The Witch, the Archangel, and the Bride

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Judas: Bio Sensor, functional. Balancers, nominal. AMBAC, calibrated. Thrusters, all green.

Judas Kerrin sat in the cockpit of his Gundam and did a systems diagnostic. The long flight from to Asticassia School of Technology had him bored out of his mind.

Suletta: Onii-san.

Judas: Hm?

Judas floated out of his seat and looked down at his adoptive little sister, Suletta Mercury, who he teasingly calls "Tanuki" due to her uniquely shaped eyebrows.

Judas: What's up, Tanuki?

Suletta: How are you and Metatron doing?

Suletta: How are you and Metatron doing?

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Judas: We're good to go. I just finished his diagnostics check. How's Aerial?

Suletta: All good on that front. She's pretty excited to go to school.

Metatron's comms: We'll be arriving at Front Sector 73, Asticassia School of Technology, in five minutes. The ship will now enter a docking course.

Judas pulled Suletta into the cockpit of his MS and pressed a few buttons on the console, opening up the cameras on the 360° Panoramic View Cockpit and havking into the ship's outer cameras so they could see outside. Their destination was a massive colony built into an asteroid.

Judas: There it is

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Judas: There it is... There's our new home.

Suletta: Yeah... Okaa-san, we finally made it!

Suddenly, Judas saw something. It looked like a small rock, but he zoomed in and enhanced the image to see it was a person in a Normal Space Suit.

Judas: The hell?!

Judas opened up a comm link with the bridge.

Operator: Bridge here.

Judas: There's someone out there!

He sent a screenshot of the person. In the background, Suletta was panicking.

Operator: Rescue team, alert. A person is in need of rescue.

Judas: Don't bother. I'll go out and get them.

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