Patrick Bateman NSFW ABC

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A - Aftercare (What they're like after sex?)

You are one of the only people he lets himself take care of, so once he's finished having a good time with you he will most of the time look after you afterwards.

He smiles at you as you soak in a bath full of warm water, he will make sure you're sore but not in pain.

B - Body Part (Favourite body part of themselves and their partner?)

He doesn't love himself enough as he should, but if he had to choose it would be his facial structure.

He loves your breasts, loves fondling, sucking, licking, fucking and even cumming on them.

C - Cum (Anything to do with cum)

Will cum anywhere on you and in you. Won't make you swallow since he hates the taste so he won't allow you to taste it either.

D - (Dirty Secret?)

Loves seeing you in suits and pencil skirts, something about it is so stunning for him, maybe the authority. Even though he hates people being above him he allows it with you, you make him feel loved and special.

E - Experience (How experienced are they?)

...A lot of experience... Need I say more?

F - (Favourite position?)

Loves missionary, face riding and doggy, he tries every position in the book though.

G - Goofy (Are they serious or humorous in the moment?)

He's a bit goofy with trying to make himself look good for you, he always does but he doesn't realise that.

H - Hair (How well groomed are they downstairs?)

He's groomed not completely but he does trim.

I - Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect?)

Only on special events.

J - Jerk off (Masturbation?)

He does it a lot even in the workplace, he will see you in a pencil skirt and imagine fucking you against his desk.

K - Kink (One or more their kinks)

Bondage, dominance, erotic asphyxiation (lack of air), gagging, impact play, katopronophilia (mirror sex) and sadism.

L - Location (Favourite places to do the deed)

In his bed or his office, if he does it anywhere else he will become self-conscious he doesn't look good enough for you to have sex with.

M - Motivation (What turns them on?)

Already stated he loves tight clothing or wet clothing.

N - No (Something they won't do, turn-offs?)

Having sex with someone else is a no-go he will probably kill you off afterwards for even thinking he wasn't good enough.

O - Oral (Preference on either giving or receiving, experience)

Loves receiving more than providing, he loves the thought of you underneath his desk sucking him off, if someone comes to talk to him he will reach into your hair and push you further down, gag reflex or not.

P - Pace (Are they fast and rough or slow and sensual?)

Fast and rough only slow when he's tired.

Q - Quickie (Their opinions?)

Hates them, he wants you for as long as he can, not a quick 5-10 minutes.

R - (Risks?)

He never had a thought of being a father but he started thinking when you brought up wanting kids since you were young. He said yes after 2 years of dating.

S - Stamina (How many rounds?🤭)

6-8 rounds if feeling frisky but most of the time 4 rounds.

T - Toys (Do they own toys and who does he use them on?)

Owns a lot of sex toys, he loves trying them out and seeing how far he can go.

U - Unfair (How much do they tease?)

He's someone who gets off to teasing, he hates when it's done to him since he feels unsuperior to his partner.

V - Volume (How loud are they, what sounds do they make?)

Moans a lot, and has a lot to say during sex, either him complimenting himself or you, or saying how good it feels.

W - Wild Card (Random headcanon)

He lied when he said he was a top he loves being dominated but keeps that to himself and always will.

X - Xray (What's going on in those pants? Picture or words.)

Nice... Just gorgeous looking. They are a good 6"1 inches in length but a little skinny.

Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)

Wants sex every night but knows you need rest so he takes care of himself if he's horny.

Z - ZZZ (How quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?)

Will make sure you're okay and then boast about how good it felt and compliment you like as if he wasn't doing that during sex. He falls asleep after you to make sure you are okay.

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