| Leaving Brooklyn! |

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Hello! This is my first fanfiction - just before we begin, I wanted to say thank you for reading! Now sit back, relax, take a fresh drink of water (or monster if you're similar to me), and enjoy the ride!

Main ship: Bowser x Luigi (Bowuigi)
Secondary ships: Mario x Peach, Iggy x Crayons

The Super Mario Series belongs to Nintendo, and I have no intention to claim their work as my own. Similarly, the super Mario movie which this story is based off is a work of both Nintendo, Universal, and Illumination.

Luigi carefully maneuvered down the stairs; one hand kept him steady on the rail, while the other held his toolbox.
Glancing ahead of him, his shorter brother, Mario, acted in such a marvelous brave way that it surprised even Luigi. Saving Brooklyn? They could barely get a plumbing business open- much less fix an entire city!
Mario wasn't one to quit- both Luigi and Mario knew that, and as such Luigi just took a deep breath and followed his older brother down the deepening steps.
Passing a sign labeling the area as "Level 1-2", Luigi reached out towards his brother's shoulder and attempted to breathe out his insecurity about this entire mission. He had to trust his brother - Mario was the one person who was able to give him a future, no matter what their parents at home said.
Noticing Luigi's tense atmosphere, Mario reached his hand up and comforted Luigi lightly. "Nothin' will happen, promise." Mario spoke, leading Luigi forward down the steps to the ground level.
"I trust ya." Luigi muttered, but took his hand off his brother's shoulder and looked around at his surroundings. The entire place was built spectacularly- with the depictions of each pipe being a mystery to both Luigi and presumably his brother. Fixing up his hat, Luigi took a moment to look further into one of the pipes - a massive green pipe that swallowed even his tall figure.
Luigi took a moment to look back at his brother before he pushed in. The shorter, burlier man rest against one of the pipes as he looked for any sign to help the city upstairs. The red contrasted the dark, almost blue place, and Luigi let out a sigh that he didn't even knew he had.
Pivoting towards the pipe, Luigi rest on hand on the top of the pipe while the other on his toolbox. Looking at the material, it was definitely more clean and brighter than many of the pipes he had seen moments before. Was that his light? Luigi rolled his eyes, swallowing another moment before he continued.
Soon enough, he came face to face with a blue light emitting strangely from the end of the pipe. "Blue..?" Luigi muttered, confused. Luigi attempted to step back, yet it felt as if the cells on his forearms were being pressed towards the light.
"Mario?!" He tried to call out, pressing his foot back with little success. Soon enough, he dropped his toolbox and the light blue erupt into a space of multiple colors.
Looking around as if he was in a tube, Luigi tried to squirm around. Where was he?! He glanced around to be only met with a whirl of colors that made him slightly dizzy. "Mamma Mia..." Luigi spoke in a hushed tone, yet fear was prominent from the back of his throat.
"Luigi!" Luigi's head swerved to face the caller of his name, and saw the bright red uniform with blue overalls that signified it was his brother.
"Mario!" Luigi reached out, slowly being able to grab Mario's hand with a couple of attempts. Pressing towards his brother and engulfing him in a hug, Mario glanced at him and tried to reassure him. "Luigi - it's okay! Everything will turn out fine as long as we stick together." Mario spoke as if he was Luigi's father - a clear but calming voice that he often used when he was reading stories back at home to try to get the younger sibling to sleep.
So much for sticking together.
Soon enough, the hug between the two brothers was ripped apart and Luigi was sent tumbling towards another tunnel. A crossroad?! Since when did magical tunnel systems have crossroads?! Screaming out Mario's name, Luigi began to tumble back before he glanced at an island.
Black- the entire island was stained black with deep lava rushing down the center. In the middle, a bright green pipe similar to the one he entered when he came to this tunnel system glistened before it latched onto Luigi and pulled him into whatever world he was to be going in.

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