XIV. They Need To Prove It

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   Chapter 14,
     They Need To Prove It

  Adrienne was almost right about getting played for the second time, the boys were thinking about it, which only upset the group of girls even more. Becca was the one who found out and decided to give the girls a heads up, but she also stuck around to tell them how she overheard the boys talking about how they've changed. Nobody bought that bullshit lie, you can't just pick and choose when you change, especially not after thinking if you wanted to hurt them once more, this time not joking around. 

 "What if they're serious about changing, do you think we should give them a shot and put the plan on pause for a moment?" Nicki asked as the girls packed their stuff up, getting ready to go home.

  It seemed as the days went by, the more the girls wanted the plan to be over with as they couldn't seem to fathom the idea of actually hurting the boys back. They weren't the type of people to want to get revenge if they knew the person had the potential of getting better, and changing for the greater good. The girls had a tiny bit of hope, even for the middle school boys.

 "Then they would need to prove it, they can't just gain our trust that fast, we aren't stupid Nicki." Davie pointed out as they walked out of the school, it was getting colder due to it being already the fall.

  Davie was right, you cannot hurt someone and then expect them to welcome you back with open arms, they have every right to question your loyalty to them or even reject you, but it's been shown that the girls don't have it in them to reject the boys, it didn't seem right, not when they're thinking with their hearts anyways. If the boys had truly changed then they needed to show it, and not play any stupid games that would make the girls think that their intentions were the same as last year's. A part of the girls wanted the boys to never change so that they could hate their guts forever, but the other part hoped and prayed that they did change.

 "Whose house are we headed over to?" Andrea asked, realizing they had been circling around the block, for almost thirty minutes. 

 None of the girls were ready to go home, they didn't even want to hang out at anyone's house either, they just wanted to walk around while discussing their situation. 

 "Let's head to the park, then we can have a sleepover at mine, my mom isn't going to be home until next week." Nicki suggested, to which the girls agreed with the plan, heading to the park so they can talk more about what their next move would be.

  If the boys had any dreams of the girls forgiving them for their childish behavior last year, then they must show them that they truly changed for them. Character development must happen if they ever wanted another shot with them, and if they truly cared about the girls and their feelings, then they better make it happen, or else it won't end good for them, The girls would be making sure of that.

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