"I appreciate that, Jordan," Debbie said, reading her line. "I know that was hard for you to say, and I really appreciate it."

"May I ask you if you're still with...the cat owner?"


"No, I can't ask or..."

"We broke up, remember? She dumped me because I forgot her birthday, at least that's what I tell myself. It's easier to think it was just the one time I screwed up."

"I see. So, why did you give her that watch, then?"

"It was a consolation gift, I guess. Thanks for putting up with me for so long, sort of thing. I don't know...it just felt like the right thing to do. How did you know?"

"Flowers, apologies, cats...it was awkward. We don't really need to talk about it, do we?"

"No. We don't. It was good seeing you again, Jordan. Don't be a stranger."

Everyone turned to the next page in the script and the assistant director said, "Jane walks away, and when she's almost at the door, Jordan yells to her and catches up."

"Jane! Since you don't work for me anymore, maybe we could start over...do this the right way?" Lou looked up again, but Debbie was still keeping her head down.

"Are you asking me out, Ms. Ellis?"

"Don't make me say the actual words, Jane. You know I hate to beg."

"Then we have Jordan walking away, and Jane says..."

"Thank you, Jordan...for finally figuring out why I quit. I'll pick you up at seven."

"Any changes?" the head writer asked, looking around the room. He didn't get a reply, so he tossed his copy of the script on the table. "Excellent! We're good to go."

Debbie collected her things and stood up. Lou did the same. She wanted to follow Debbie and get a final confirmation that she'd be at her house for dinner, but something stopped her. She stood there, at the table, waiting for everyone to clear the room. When they had all left, she grabbed onto the table with one hand as the realization gripped her again. There would be no second chances for her. Debbie was done. Lou had seen it in her eyes during the table read - the emptiness. There was no love left for Lou in them. It was over. God, it was really over.


Lou stilled and then turned around.

"Are you coming?"

She nodded at Debbie. "Yeah." She tried to suck up her emotions as she grabbed her purse and stuffed the script into it. She stilled again when she felt Debbie right behind her.

"They're out there, Austin and Amita," Debbie said, her voice low and close. Lou felt goosebumps form on her neck. "I thought it would be best if we walked out together."

"Of course." So that's the only reason Debbie had come back for her? It was okay. It would be okay, Lou told herself. All was not lost. They'd still be working together for a while. When all was said and done, they'd still be friends.

They would, right?

She looked up and met Debbie's gaze. She wanted to grab her around the waist and rest her head on Debbie's chest while she begged for forgiveness. She wanted to convince Debbie that she wasn't Tammy - she was better than Tammy, even though her actions said otherwise. But those eyes were still empty - still void of the love they once held.

Lou followed Debbie out of the room. Amita spotted them and waved as she jogged over. "We missed you!" she said as she wrapped her arms around Debbie's shoulders. She held on tight for a few seconds and then released her. "You look amazing. What's different?"

Casting DebbieWhere stories live. Discover now