Chapter 8

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Well I don't know if you remember but I'm in a stupid coma and it sucks.  I am so bored I can't move, I can't talk, I can't enjoy food because the way they feed me is through a needle, and worst thing is I can hear people but I can't see them or just get up and hug them.  It sucks. So while my parents were in here to see me they came in all worried, like any parent would be, but when they say me my mom burst into tears and my dad tried so hard not to cry.  I could tell by the way he was talking he was about to cry any second. 

      I felt bad for them seeing their daughter helpless laying in a hospital room with cancer.  I couldn't imagine how much pain this would have been for them.  I just wanted to tell them I was ok so badly and get up and give them a hug.  But then I heard my mother tell me it was ok if I let go and stop suffering.  It was so hard for all three of us.  My sister didnt want to come in and see me like this so my parents only had each other. 

I did something I wasn't supposed to but I went to my cancer doctor a few days before and he had told me that the cancer is spreading and chemo wasn't doing anything.  So he stopped the chemotherapy.  So what he told me is I have a short time to live and that he would want me to make the most of it.  I wasn't planning on telling my parents because I wouldn't want them to be even more devastated then they already are but obviously I couldn't do that now.  So they are going to be told by the nurses which I did not want at all.  My life was going as planned until this happened. Now I have a growing cancer that is killing me and I'm in a coma because I passed out my first date ever. 

So the nurse and my doctor came in and took my parents I to a other room and told them the news.  When they came back .y mom's eyes were bloodshot and in tears from crying and my dad's too.  "Hey sweetie they are going to find a way to take you out of this coma so you can come home with us." She said in a really shaky voice.  I was worried that my sister would get in major trouble for not telling my parents since she was the only one I told.

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