Chapter 6

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As we walked in Joel's parents were at the front desk looking excited.  "So this is the young lady Joel has been talking about. Nice to meet you.  And your name is?"

"Jessica and thanks it's nice to meet you too."

"Let's get some good seats.  Right this way."

As we sat down his father whispered something to him in his ear.  It was hard to make out what he was saying but I heard treat her and respect.  "Sorry about that.  Their weird like that."

"No worry they seemed really nice."

"Oh no they are too nice." He said to me in a quiet manner.  A few minutes later my stomach was getting upset again and this time I knew it wasn't butterflies.  I must of had a 'I don't feel good' look on my face because he asked if I was ok.  "Excuse me for a second." I ran to the bathroom as quickly as possible.  Thank God I made it. I didn't want to have his family deal with that.  I few seconds later I hear a door open and a voice.  It was a very worried voice. It's was Joel's voice.

"Oh my God Jessica are you ok? Where are you I need to check your temperature." I heard him run to where I was.  As he ripped open the door I started to see a light.  "MOM DAD CALL 911 RIGHT NOW! Ok Jessica we are going to get you to the hospital as soon as we can. Ok stay with me alright."

People stood there watching as my date was giving my passed out body chest compressions doing nothing to help.  It was the worst date I have ever had.  I was passed out with my own vomit surrounding me on the bathroom floor in Olive Garden.  Could it get any worse?

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