Chapter 1: Cogs in the Machine. (REWRITTEN)

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To enhance your experience for this hardly worked-on intro (Not really), I highly suggest you play Mokusei, made by RichaadEB (All credit is to him, I do not own the music. Please have mercy), to ensure you reach maximum satisfaction from these words painting a picture in your mind. Now, enjoy.

Note: The timestamp is corresponding with the paragraph below it. For example. The first one has no music, but the second one is the start of the intro music. Just thought it had to be known.

A serene morning unfolds as sunlight glistens and flowers sway, wildlife thriving in the tranquility. Yet, amidst this peace, a lone Beowolf prowls, eyeing a fawn and its mother. Its predatory gaze sharpens, preparing to strike.


The Beowolf's ears twitch as a low rumble breaks the silence. It turns around as its eyes widen in surprise before letting out a loud yelp as it attempts to flee. Only for an armored buggy to suddenly burst through the foliage, screams of excitement and terror coming from it as it crushes the Beowolf under its wheels and speeds onward. Leaving the crush corpse behind like roadkill


"Battlefield 2042: The Soldiers of Remnant!"


Semyon "Seeker" Zaytsev - Played by Author #3

Alan "Gremlin" Borowski - Played by Author #2

David "Halo" Simmons - Played by Author #1


Next, the scene cuts to Team RWBY and JNPR standing atop a pile of rubble. Battling against an endless swarm of Grimm valiantly as they fight on. But just as they are about to be overwhelmed, our heroes' vehicle soars through the air, crashing into the fray while both parties watch them crash into the horde. With David clinging to the side of the vehicle, Semyon gripping the wheel tightly with steely resolve, and Alan laughing maniacally as he unleashes a torrent of bullets from the mounted MG. Causing chaos to erupt and providing just the distraction for Team RWBY and JNPR to regroup and join the fight.


The scene shifts to a grand conference room where leaders of Remnant debate fervently over a video that shows a group of mysterious aircraft decimating a fleet of airships. As they start to shout amongst each other, an agitated Atlas councilmen demand immediate military action against these unknown attackers as one half the table echoes his call while the other half urges for diplomacy.

All while a general with graying hair watches silently, his eyes piercing through the chaos of the room as he sighs and shakes his head.

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