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As chaos erupted in the cavern, I knelt by the dead sheep, my hands trembling as I removed the arrow lodged in its side. The sight of blood made my stomach churn, but I pushed through, desperate to help. I knew how to shoot an arrow but I don't know how good I am at it seeing as I only read books on everything.

Before I could process the situation further, the Cyclops's wrath descended upon us, his club striking down a soldier without hesitation. Panic seized me as I retreated to safety, clutching the arrow and bow tightly.

As the Cyclops threatened our lives, I listened in horror, paralyzed by fear. But then, a sudden change swept over him, and I dared to peek from my hiding place to see Odysseus's intervention.

Relief flooded me as I realized Odysseus had managed to subdue the Cyclops, at least temporarily. His cleverness had bought us precious time, but the danger was far from over. We must move quickly; we don't have much time. He didn't notice I mixed lotus in his wine, mark my words now, this is not the end!" 

 "But captain, what'll we do with our fallen friends?"

"Remember them. When the fire begins to fade. For the fallen and afraid. We are not to let them die in vain. Remember them" I walked towards Cassia still talking to the soldiers. "We're the ones who carry on. The flames of those who've gone. And our comrades will not die in vain."Let's kill him!"

 I stood next to Cassia who I found was holding a bow and arrow. "His body is blocking the path. If we kill him we'll be stuck inside "

 "Captain, where do we attack him?" 

I turned to Cassia."Do you know how to shoot with that?" 

"I think so." She said looking distraught, I nodded and turned back to the soldiers. 

 "We gotta stab him in the eye!" I turned to Cassia. "Get ready to shoot. She nodded and started setting up the bow. 

 "Yes sir" The soldiers said heading to the sides of the cave getting ready to escape at a possible chance.

With determination in his eyes, Odysseus instructed me on where to aim, his trust in my ability bolstering my resolve. Together, we launched our attack, aiming for the Cyclops's vulnerable eye.

The moment the arrow found its mark, chaos erupted anew as the Cyclops howled in agony. 

Who hurts you? 

 "There are more of them?"

 Who hurts you? 


 Who hurts you? 

 "Captain, we should run" 


 Who hurts you? 

 "Odysseus, please" Cassia pleaded holding my arm tightly


 It was Nobody, Nobody 

 If nobody hurts you, be silent 

 Don't go 

 "Let's grab the sheep and away we go" 

 "Have you forgotten the lessons I taught you?" Once again everything froze, and Athena appeared. "He's still a threat until he's dead. Finish it" 

 "No" I said looking to Cassia who was frozen but still looked distraught. 

 "No?" Athena repeated. 

"What good would killing do when mercy is a skillmore of this world could learn to useMy friend is dead, our foe is blind. The blood we shed, it never driesIs this what it means to be a warrior of the mind?" I yelled. 

 "Don't!" Everything unfroze and Athena disappeared but I knew she was still watching. 

" Hey, Cyclops!When we met, I led with peace, while you fed your inner beast. But my comrades will not die in vain!  Remember them.  The next time that you dare choose not to spare.  Remember them, remember us, remember meI'm the reigning king of IthacaI am neither man nor mythicalI am your darkest momentI am the infamousOdysseus!" 

 I grabbed Cassia's arm and pulled her out of the cave following and followed by other soldiers. 

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