Chapter 2

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Please reread chapter 1 (if you went straight to this chapter) I changed the quote 



and Ivan? 

be friends?

Doesn't he hate me? I mean I don't want to talk to him if he's trying to hurt me.

Today I had to help President Obama with work. And by help I mean I just have to make sure everything isn't going to shit, learn about government secrets, meet the new security guards, maybe check out some government secrets, see what we're doing in Area 51, go meet his family, did I mention government secrets? All in days work going to the one and only White House.

I kick back in the President chair while I try to balance a pen as a mustache. President Obama tries to go over the new laws that has been renewed or created. Half of it is boring, the other half I don't even know what even talking about, and, like, for 25% of it, the pen won't stay on my face. I as I drop the pen for the 5th time in 20 minutes, when I take my feet off the desk my foot hits something hard that I had either never been there or is in the wrong place. I pick up my pen and look to see what it was.

"Um??? What's this black phone for?" I ask.

"That, sir" he leans over to touch the phone with a big smile on his face, "Is known as the Moscow-Washington hotline.  Established in 1963, it has been known as the 'red telephone', even though it's umm. not red. We have told the public that it only linked uhh. the Pentagon with Kremlin, but it also connects to the White House. You can use it if you like. Use it to talk to Ivan if you're uhh. bored."

"Wait, I thought you said I was only aloud to talk to talk to them if it was important! That's why I have to go to the meetings with the other counties!"

"Umm." He looks down and then back at me, and smiles like he just trying to laugh it off as if he said something he wasn't suppose to. "Well, uhh. you see, Alfred...Even though you do repentant this country, you don't really keep uhh.. yourself  in order. And that meeting, is uhh. more like a daycare for you. haha If that was a real meeting you'd have as many gray patches as me!"

I stared into space trying to take all this in."I have a procedure I have to follow because I told you. So I'll give you a moment to take all this in." He walked backward out the left door.

'wow, how did I not see this before? I mean Germany is the only one who acutely  tries to get something done.' my eyes wonder to the old, new black telephone "You can use it if you like. Use it to talk to Ivan if you're uhh. bored." his word repeated in my head. But should I? I mean he probably does hate me? And what if he forgot about the phone too? Would he just hang up on me? That would make me feel worse. BUT if he picks up what are we going to talk about? Like, what if I-

FUck it. I pick up the phone, and press the only button on there. It sounded like a normal phone, but it wasn't until the third ring when I realized Ivan probably won't pick because I was the only one that decided to catch up on what my county was doing. I was too late to think about mu actions. "Hello?"

"HEy!" I tried not to sound like I wanted to end the conversation there,"what's up?!"

"Nothing, just work." I couldn't tell if it was Ivan or Vladimir Putin. Vladimir most likely, Ivan wouldn't say that in that tone

"Sooo, is Ivan there?" I felt like back I was back the 90's, when you would call a girl, but her dad picked up the phone. 

"Not at the moment, no."..........Fuck

(dead silence)

"Well, I suppose you have a lot of work that I'm interrupting you from." I could feel my voice get higher.


" see ya around."

"Yeah, see you."

As I hung up, I wish I never picked up the phone.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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