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Yo back at it again with another lovely chapter for you all and this time the wheel has chosen shinobu as out new addition to the zenitsu harem<3

I may not post for a while after this due to PSA's at school new week so that will prob take up most of my time and burn out could be a challenge as well. But I will try to get as many chapters out as I can so this book can be on par with my other one(go read it^^) 

so I hope you have a lovely time reading this chapter my loves^^


Zenitsu has just returned from a mission west of the Butterfly Estate, tears flowed down his face this a water fall that never ends. His face red and eyes puffy he walked past the gates of the Estate with a sniffle as he made his way to the entrance of the building. Before he even made it to the sliding doors burst open as kanao, and aoi came running out along with naho, kiyo, and sumi with shinobu hot on their tales. Words rushed out of their mouth as zenitsu stumbled as more tears came running down his face mixing with the blood that clung to his face no longer a bright red, now a muddy color that crusted and stuck to his skin.

He was brought immediately to one of the room of the Butterfly Estate talking overlapped each other as normally he could easily pin point any sound, where it came from, and who it was from but know he couldn't... and it scared him, his tears came more rapidly as chocked sounds left his mouth in an attempt to focus but he just couldn't there was just to much going on around him all he could hear was his own blood rushing threw his body trying to get to unattended wounds. He could hear his own heart beat and how fast it was beating in his chest and how much he just wanted anything and everything to stop.

Voices came and went and pressure was put all over his body trying to get the blood to stop as he was pushed down onto the waiting bed as cloth and bandages pushed and prodded into wounds that spewed blood onto the clean fabric now stained. His mind was in a haze as he faded in and out of consciousness as his breathing came in and out of heaves before it settled down into an even breaths as his body finally seemed to start calming down and take in what was around it.

He could finally hear the voices around his, he could hear shinobu and aoi with other voices out side of the room sounding rushed and worried, he could hear tanjiro franticly trying to know what was going on and what was happening to him, inosukes seemed to be worried as well but all he was doing was yelling at the staff of the butterfly estate as they tried to calm the two sound slayers down. His ears focused back on shinobu, and aoi as they talked about what to do with the extant of his injuries he knew he was hurt but this hurt? He didn't think he was. He had three broken ribs, several lacerations on his stomach and legs, as well damage to his legs seeming very close to breaking with the extend that they were used. They both sounded very worried when a hand came to his chest, he could hear the world still as his breathing picked up before he realized that his own hand was over whoever's came over his chest.

"Zenitsu? Can you hear us" shinobus voice cut threw his worry as his eyes darted behind his eyelinds before they were pulled open and a light shined onto them, he could feel his pupils shrink in the light as the same treatment was done on the other side. "Zenitsu you are grabbing my wrist right now, and I want you to squeeze it if you can hear me right now" his hand squeezed shinobus wrist as her words not through to him as tears brimmed on the edge of his closed eyes. Gasps rang out threw the room as shuffling was heard as shinobus hand got shaken away from his grip as his hand fell down to his side again, "Zenitsu do you want us to touch your chest?" his breathing picked up again "We don't have to! this is just a laceration on your stomach that we need to get access to, and it would be easier to open up your shirt" zenitsus mouth open as a very little yet heard 'please... no'.

They couldn't know! they had never once opened his shirt if he was injured and he sure as hell know wont let it or have it happen, what would they think? He was a girl not some boy they thought he was, he had breasts and parts that weren't of a man! They just couldn't know, they would for sure think little of him more than they already did. He was pathetic and useless but this would just make it worse! "Zenitsu! I need you to calm down, please we wont take off your shirt but we need to get to your stomach. Can we atleast cut the bottom open?" his bushy eyebrows furred before his breathing evened out and a slight nod was done.


A few days have pasted since zenitsu had came back from the mission that left him bed ridden and unable to move much, although he had woken up and had been integrated by the staff of the Butterfly House, as well as his friends. They seemed pretty worried as he could not remember what had happened on the mission he had been sent on, but after some question they had some simple answer as he had got there and killed the demon, but had no recollection on how he killed said demon.

Zenitsu sat on the bed as he picked at his nails, a habit he should really stop, he seemed to be so focused on his nails that he failed to realize the door opening. "Zenitsu-kun?" his eyes shot up to look at the petite woman Infront of him "Ah, yes shinobu-san?" the girl smiled as she stood Infront of him "Ara~ Ara~. I'm just here to check up on  you, your recovery is going great. You should be ready to start going on mission again soon" The blonds eyebrows furred as he made a face, he didn't want to go on mission now! What if he died!? Than what!

Tears pricked at his eyes as his cheeks puffed out, he resembled a whining child throwing a tantrum "But what if I die! I don't want to fight demons?!" fat tears rolled down his face as he sobbed. Shinobu grimaced but still kept a smile as she patted zenitsu snooty, sobbing head trying to calm him down. Zenitsu sobs eventually died down but not by much... Shinobu grimaced as she looked at the boy Infront of her "Ara~ Ara~, its alright zenitsu-kun. You will be fine so don't cry" She patted his head

He sniffled as he looked up at shinobu and wiped his eyes "Thank you shinobu-san! You are so kind, and sweet. You are the most lovely girl ever!" he smiled like the sun as he starred at her. Her eyes widened slightly as zenitsu continued to spew out compliments about her, a light blush went across her cheeks as she smiled and patted his head again. Before scurrying out of the room.

Ha another chapter and rengokus will be out soon as sry for the crappy ending idk what to put

hope u like it and who's next?(Rengoku but after him!)

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