How to be a heart breaker

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A/N: yes I did use a song title for this chapter

Y/N's POV:

It has been a week since I took the deal, I had asked William out on a date and which he agreed on. I was getting ready for the date when I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I sang pretending to be in joy as I assume it was William.

"We need to talk Y/N..." it sounded like a women's voice. I opened the door to see Eleanor, her eyes were red and puffy so I guess she had been crying.

"Why? You could have asked out anyone you wanted but my ex?!" She roared, I wanted to explain that I lost a bet or something stupid like that but William was at the door... poor Eleanor.

"Love, are you ready to go?" He asked impatiently. I whispered to Eleanor 'I will call you' and left with William.

"What was that about?" He asked.

"Eleanor just had a problem with us going out, not a big deal as I will make up with her later." I explain.

He scoffed, "Good luck on that, she has a real temper." I calmed down and resisted the urge to slap him in the car, the radio was blasting Straight Up by Paula Abdul.

We were singing along to the song when suddenly William stopped the car and the song.

"Hey, what was that for-"

I was interrupted by a kiss on the lips, William Afton was kissing me! It felt so genuine that it broke my heart realizing I had to break his heart. (Girl broke rule #2) As he pulls away he parks in the parking lot, A parent and a child were standing there. The parent was holding the child covering his eyes from the sight.

"Sorry, he couldn't help himself." I apologize to the parent repeatedly.

"Love, why don't we head inside the restaurant?" William asks and I agree, we lollingly went inside the restaurant and order our food.

2 hours later

William and I had too much fun, we were laughing at jokes and having an overall good time together, at least until Cassidy decided to show up and whisper something to William. I only heard some parts.

"We remember"

"We know what you did"


"Love, let's go." William demands, He smiles coldly with sheer hatred and malice in his eyes he just... speaks in a more cold and even dead tone of voice. A more dead and pure hatred filled tone of voice...

"I feel like I had enough" William states, "you can stay at my place for the night."

He hugs me, The warm, loving embrace does not let go. The impossible love and affection burning in the heart. The arms tighten once more. An even deeper hug... A powerful, loving, warm, comforting, genuine hug. Impossible to express in words. Impossibly impossible and the love, Infinite love is burning within both of us...

"W-William..." I try to speak but I can't seem to find the words, "why not come to my house, that way your kids won't disturb anything that happens during the night." I wink (just for simp fuel)

"I- what?" he asks, as his face suddenly turns a little more red. As a light blush then grows on his face, as his jaw drops yet again, As he now starts to slightly turn away from you as he takes a quick deep breath.. as he thinks about what you just said..


587 words! Sorry for the late chapter, I was trying to get 'spicy' if there is a 🍋 next chapter you can skip it, it's not plot related at all.

Is It a Crime to Love? (William Afton x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now