{18. Sick Day}

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Marinette got up from bed as she was getting ready for school but she ended up collapsing on the ground and her parents heard the sound, coming into her room. They helped her up from the floor as Sabine checked her temperature and it turned out that Marinette had a fever which was a bit high.

"Marinette you're not in no condition to go to school today so you stay home and rest. I'll call your school to let them know that you're sick and your mother will make some chicken soup so you should get into bed," Tom told Marinette as she was about to say something but she nodded and got into her bed while her parents left so that their daughter could rest in peace.

A few minutes passed as Alya and Adrien came over since they heard from their teacher, Mrs Bustier, that Marinette was sick so they came over. Alya puts Marinette's homework on her desk while Adrien grabs a chair to sit down on as he holds his girlfriend's hand gently and she opened her eyes since she had been sleeping before they arrived.

"We heard that you were sick with a fever so we decided to come over to check on you and your parents allowed Adrien to stay since I'm going to leave soon because I have to go back to school but I'll come afterwards. Also I've left your homework on the desk so make sure you catch up when you're better. I'll see you later. Take care of her Adrien," Alya told them as she left and it was just the couple left in the room.

Marinette smiled weakly at Adrien as she wished that she didn't have a fever right now and she wanted to cuddle with her boyfriend but she couldn't risk getting Adrien sick too so she decided to fight the urge to cuddle him.

"Can I get you anything Marinette? Something to eat or drink?" Adrien asked his girlfriend as she told him that he needed to remove the cloth from her forehead and dampen it again. He nodded as he takes the cloth and he leaves the room to dampen it, squeezing the excess water out before coming back to place the cloth back on Marinette's forehead.

"Thanks Adrien," Marinette told him as she decided to go back to sleep again and Adrien stayed by her side in case she needed anything if she woke up. Sabine came upstairs to Marinette's bedroom twenty minutes later as she had a bowl of chicken soup for her daughter and she saw Adrien was here.

"Hello Adrien. Could you please put the soup on Marinette's desk and give it to her when she wakes up?" Sabine said to Adrien as he takes the bowl from her and placed it on her desk while she left. Marinette woke up after her mother left as she rubbed her eyes and Adrien went over to her, helping her to sit up. Adrien picks up the bowl as he gave it to Marinette and she drinks the soup, finishing it in five minutes before giving it back to Adrien who puts it back down on the desk.

"I'm glad that you came over and stayed by my side Adrien even though I'm sick. Thank you for being such a caring boyfriend. I love you," Marinette told Adrien as he kissed her cheek and she smiled at him. Even though she was sick, Adrien still managed to come over to check on her and she was glad that he stayed with her since she felt better when he was with her.

Word count: 610

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