Devil boy

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Hey everyone, thanks for clicking on my story to read it, I would like to tell you that it gets more interesting with each chapter you read, it might be depressing at first but bare with me (the smut is good) I would also appreciate if you leave comments and votes! (Also I've changed the main character's name from Y/n to Hazel so if you spot it please don't mind it)

Hazel's point of view:

It was all once I first saw him, he stood tall, he had veins, his jaw was sharp as a paper's edge, I could barely look him in the eyes, they were way too cold. Then I first sat next to him.

^^Well it wasn't under my will, my teacher did change my seat, cause it had to do with me not concentrating and only talking to my seat mate.

I grabbed all my belongings and head to the spot, I took a deep breath before I sat down, damn, that smell, it reminded me of Armani stronger with you. I looked to the side, only to see him looking straight forward, he didn't dare look at me for some reason. Neglecting me I see.

His features were angelic. And all of a sudden everything was dark and I could only see him in front of me, his eyes were light brown and his hair was the perfect shade to match mine, his tone was white, not as white tho. Again perfect shade to watch his pink tinted lips.

"Hazel concentrate for god's sake, at least for once" the teacher scolded and I answered "sorry, I haven't been sleeping these last nights" quick lie to think about, but I'd say I'm used to lying, I somehow do it to keep my life a secret. I don't like sharing.

I heard a chuckle from my side as the dude rest his head on his crossed arms on the table and looked towards me. I took a glance at him. And oh my lord. That smile is just.. heart melting. I blushed and looked at him glaring a bit. "What's your problem?" I said gathering my confidence to even speak to this devil in a man looking person.

Angelic but still looks mean, I mean, his cold eyes showed that, plus I've only heard girls like him because he doesn't give a shit about them. Pathetic.

"Haven't been sleeping? Why? Too concentrated on dicks?" He glared back. Oh he's a knife with two sharp ends. I have to be careful with this one I guess. But let's just say his voice is deeper than the ocean. What I'm saying is.

His voice is hot. He'd sound so good moaning.

I sighed and replied to him "I don't like dicks, in fact, I won't let anyone enter me, especially boys like you that thinks they own the whole world" I raised my hand to go to the WC. I need to take a few seconds to calm my nerves down honestly. This man just making my head pound.

Alex's point of view:

I never really thought a girl could be this gorgeous, it's just something about her that I can't seem to understand, there's something special about her, which brings up something out of me.

I sound insane just thinking this way, I can't like a girl, let alone fall in love with her, it's just not something I do, I only fuck and move on, that's what I do, that's what at least I'm known for.

But Hazel is something else I guess.

Hazel's point of view:

Next it was at the library, now things started to change. I was looking for a book, but me being an average short girl I couldn't get the book. And guess who was there to help. Fucking devil dude.

But no, the thing is, he fucking..

..I was reaching for this damn book with all the power I had in me, jumping, trying to climb the shelves and everything. But I couldn't get any close. "What do you need?" Once I heard that voice. I stopped my actions and I could feel the hair on my skin stand as time passes. "Concepts of Biology" I said in a quiet voice.

I didn't move a muscle and the man reached for the book pushing me on the shelf. Making my ass contact with his front. I blushed hard and I turned to grab the book "be careful who you're playing these games with devil dude, cause I can end up winning them every fucking time alright?" I said looking up at him as I dashed out of the library.

"This fucking man" I said as I skated my way back home. I had my AirPods in listing to "die for you" by the weeknd . I speeded as I had to get home as soon as possible, the cake that I placed in the oven might turn into ashes any second now, but again devil dude didn't seem like to agree with me.

This motherfucker, riding his fucking motorcycle, decided it's best to speed as well and he ended up almost running me over with his damn bike. I fell off my skate hurting my arm as I lost my balance while he stopped and turned off his bike or whatever I don't really understand how they work. "Watch where you're fucking going mate!"

I yelled looking at my arm as I hissed in pain letting out a few fake cries, "not my beautiful arms!" I looked at him as he crossed his arms looking down at me as I sat on the floor "try apologizing?" I said throwing a rock at him before he walked away. As if I wasn't even there. What a world we live in!

I grabbed my skate that got trashed even more and made my way home. walking! How annoying is that? Very!

^UrfavAlexander257added you by search!^

I got a notification as I was healing my arm with some liquids and a bandage. I looked at it. Who the-? I added them back before I got another notification.  It was a text from the same account.

'Very srry 4 2day'
'I was in a hurry'
'Devil boy?'
'Whatever that nickname is'
'Yeah, it's me devil boy'
'It's alright, as long as ur nice to me'


I went upstairs opening my laptop and I did a some assignments, I have to study more for real. Then I went downstairs to have dinner, dinner, my cooking of course, cause that's something I adore.

I live with two roommates who happen to be my best friends, I'm 17 years old, a girl that adores biology and chemistry, obsessed, but I call it sweet obsession.

"Hazel!" Bella yelled "kitchen!" I answered she made her way to the kitchen I looked over at her and I was shocked at the bouquet she was holding in her hands. "Damn did Serena get you those?" I said as she seems to just get home, she came over towards me and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Seems like you're the one having these roses miss Hazel"

I chuckled and poured the dressing on the salad "what are you saying girl?" I said not understanding a thing from what she's saying. "Well basically, there was this dude in front of the house, he sat on his motorcycle fidgeting with his phone and then once he saw me coming I asked him if he needed anything, and he told me to give this to you, I think there's a note there or something"

"You said motorcycle?" I questioned my eyebrows lifting at the news. Devil dude? I grabbed my phone from my back pocket after I cleaned my hands.

'Flowers for what?'
'What flowers?'
'Stop acting dumb devil boy, why did you buy me followers?'
'I never asked for a romantic ending'
'And I'm saying it's not me'
'Why would I send you flowers?'
'Like hell I'm in love?'

I walked towards the flowers and opened the note 'from Matt, Hazel you've caught my attention and I thought maybe it'd be perfect if we can go on a date tomorrow, if you don't mind, of course, text me please..'

"What's going on?" Serena said as she walked inside the kitchen holding her vape in her hand and I looked at both of them. "Matt asked me out" I said and I could only earn a shocked look from both of them.

"I told you he's into you, you just never seemed to believe me" I held my mouth as it was wide open. Matt is the one I was chitchatting with in class, and is the reason why I got sited next to Alex. "Great" I said again and opened my phone again.

'Hey Matt'
'I got your bouquet, so lovely from you honestly'
'Thanks I really like the flowers!'

"Are you going to reply or not?" Bella screamed as Serena clapped her hands in excitement. I laughed out loud and quickly accepted his request. Matt just understands me so much, and I think we'd be the perfect match.

Or at least that's what I thought..

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