Chapter 12

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The journey to Raine Whispers' covern was long and confusing, their home wasn't really a home but a tavern, one where the bards could play their never before heard of songs and melodies without interruption.

Your thoughts get interrupted by the sounds of sirens and lights, this snaps you out of your mind and back to reality.
"Oh no...." Darius whispers approaching the hull.
"Sir what's going o-" you manage to get out before being interrupted by the sound of Darius jumping off the airship onto the gravel in front of the tavern.

You land the airship and begin to jog towards the emperor covern supervisor controlling the scene.

Hundreds of questions are running through your head as you're approaching the officer such as; where are the bards? Why are these officers here? What can I do?

"Hey officer what is going on here" you ask, as his superior officer he is obligated to tell you.

"Bard covernhead Raine Whispers has gone missing sir!" The scene supervisor alerts you while simultaneously saluting you.

You rush into the tavern to see a small assembly of people consisting of Darius, the Emperors assistant kikimora, and 5 members of the bard covern.

"I'm asking you politely kikimora!" Darius yells. You seem to have stumbled on an ongoing argument between Darius and kikimora.

"I am not cleared to enlighten you Darius nor forced to" kikimora retorted smugly.

"Raine Whispers is missing and a suspected victim of kidnapping" you tell Darius while you yourself are still assessing the developing situation.

"Thank you (Y/N)! See kikimora? You don't have to be insufferable all the time to earn your merits" Darius sighs before breezing past her and walking towards the witnesses who were visibly shaken to try and get answers from them.

"Hey you! What happened here?" Darius asks while sitting down to where they were, huddled together like wounded animals.

"They just kept coming" A bard member says , with a spaced out expression on her face.

"What kept coming?" You ask with morbid curiosity.

"The vines" Another stutters.

"Vines?" Darius rhetorically questions.

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