Chapter Nineteen: New Plan

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"Oh, c'mon, Y/n. Do you really not trust us?"

You lean against the island counter with your arms folded. Dabi has his classic grin on his face while you hold an unamused stare in his direction.

"Of course not."

You teleported to the League's place to question Toga and Dabi about their appearance Friday. Along with the burner group chat.

"Ouch, Y/n," Toga says as she frowns, placing a hand over her heart.

You roll your eyes, not buying the innocent act. "You two were the only people to know about my American past. How do I know the two of you aren't in the middle of this? And what the fuck were you doing at that party?"

Dabi and Toga share a glance of annoyance. They've been trying to assure you of their innocence for at least ten minutes now. "Us villains can't have a little fun?"

"Not when we're in the same place at the same damn time. That wasn't a fucking coincidence and you know it."

Dabi snickers and gets closer. "You want the truth?"


"Shigaraki sent us to watch you."

You scoff and push yourself off the island.

"He's been asking you for info for the longest," Toga starts. "Was beginning to get impatient. He wanted us to make sure you weren't getting too friendly with those Baby Heroes."

"Fuck you and them."

The thought of Shigaraki not trusting you after everything you've done for him is starting to piss you off.

You know you shouldn't take your anger out on Dabi and Toga, but you can't help but feel a little betrayed by them as well.

They're spying on you during a mission because they have doubts you wouldn't get the job done?

You sigh and place yourself on the couch. Crossing one leg over the other. "You guys want Izuku Midoriya? That's who you'll get." You say with more patience than before.

"Izuku?" Toga's ears perk at the name. She remembered the boy when he was a first year. They were the best of friends.

Of course, all their chats were a little one-sided but the connection was there.

"You think..." Toga smiled at the thought. "You think Izuku has All Might's power?"

You stretch your arms above your head. "Not sure, his tiny ass just might. Narrowed down my options, and after seeing his performance at the gym. It's gotta be him."

"So what are you gonna do now?"

"Well, where's Shigaraki? I'm sure he doesn't want him dead. So, I'm trying to figure out how to get this kid here without the classmates noticing."

You reflect on it earlier.

The students of 2A are extremely close to each other. They notice anything and everything about one another.

If something seems off, they won't hesitate to question you about it. Especially Katsuki, who doesn't seem to miss a beat.

You bite the tip of your thumb while thinking. You come up with a bunch of alternative plans that could possibly work. Along with their outcomes. "Dabi, you wanna help me out with something?"

"Like what?"

"In two weeks from now, you and Toga come outside UA and start shit. Make it late at night, that way I'll be sure that only me and Izuku are awake."

"Wait, wait, woah." Dabi interrupts. "You want us to fight him?"

"Yeah," You say shrugging. "What? Is that a problem?"

"Have you seen him?" Toga exclaims with widened eyes. "I mean, we've fought him before but even then we were scared for our lives."

"Oh, of course, I have. That's exactly why I'm making you two do it."

They narrow their eyes at you with stares of hatred. "Where's Shigaraki?" You ask, ignoring them.

"He went on a trip. Claims he'll be 'back new and improved'". Toga says with air quotes before plopping next to you. "Whatever that means.

"Hey, I thought you hated him. Why you asking?"

"I do. It's just that if he's rushing me, he should be the one to do it." You pick at the chipped white painting on your nails. "He's pussy as fuck."

Dabi snorts, "You always say that."

"And he proves me right every time."

You run back over the plans with them one last time before you go. Dabi understands everything to a T, even grinning at the thought of getting a chance to be on UA campus.

Toga, on the other hand, is more worried about getting Izuku's blood. Which is understandable on her terms.

Checking your phone, you see it's 3:43 AM. Everyone on campus is asleep. You exhale as you turn your screen off and shove it back in your pocket. "Think I'm about to head out. Gotta get back before they start waking up."

"It's four in the morning. Who'd be awake at this hour?"

You chuckle at Toga's question. You sure as hell would like to be asleep right now. You're wearing a black, spaghetti-strapped tee with pajama pants. Your sleep schedules just thrown off due to League work.

"Oh, you'd be surprised. The baby heroes like waking up to go jogging and shit before the day starts."Dabi comes behind you and drapes his arms around your neck. You suppress a smile.

It's something you've grown accustomed to.

You know he'd never admit it, but Dabi is touch-deprived. Extremely touch-deprived at that.

At one point he'd give you and Toga hugs randomly throughout the day with no explanation behind it. He stopped giving them to Toga once she peeled off one of his staples.

If you were to ask him why he hugged you, he'd deny the hug altogether.

You give in and turn around to give him a full hug. "Bye, Dabi." He squeezes you a little tighter.

"Love you, Toga!" You call out getting a response from the girl who has managed to make her way from the living room to upstairs within milliseconds. "Bye, Y/n!"

You teleport yourself back to your dorm and breathe in the atmosphere.

Your room is almost finished. All the boxes are officially unpacked, now you're just waiting for the finishing touches.

A meow is heard from somewhere in your room. You close your eyes already knowing it's the damn cat.

A faint smile grows on your lips. "C'mon, Pyro." The feline blends in with the darkness, but you feel its fur against your leg.

You bend down, pick him up, and carry him to bed with you.

The rest of the night, you find yourself caressing Pyro's fur while questioning what Katsuki would think of you if he found out what you were planning.

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