“She said, he fainted because of exhaustion and possibly because he hasn't eaten anything in days. Not to mention he was out in the rain for god knows how long.”

Steve said to Dustin, keeping his eyes on Charlie. They stayed silent for a few minutes then Steve spoke once more.

“I knew something wasn't right. I should've paid more attention.” Steve sighed.

He knew he should've listened to his gut feeling and talked to Charlie about whatever was bothering him. The way Charlie was acting was strange and Steve knew it. He regretted all the times hd brushed away his worries and pretending like everything was fine.

The rain had subsided considerably. Claudia came with her car to pick Dustin up because Steve had called her. The young Henderson wasn't too happy about it. But Steve thought it was better if Dustin left. Robin, however was stubborn and wouldn't leave with them. Even though Claudia offered to give her a ride.

Robin reclined in her chair and Steve in his. They were quiet. Steve was watching Charlie and Robin was watching him. Steve caught her eye and raised an eyebrow. She shook her head.

“I know what you're thinking.” Steve said. Robin just stared at him. So he continued.

“He's my boyfriend. We've been together for months now. I'm telling you...this...because for some reason I know I can trust you.”

“You can trust me.” Robin assured. She smiled weakly and Steve returned it.

“Do you love him?” Robin asked looking Charlie.

“So much. He changed me for the better, you know. And I'm terrified of losing him.” 

Robin looked like she wanted to say something but then decided against it. After a few minutes she started to drift off. Steve was awake, but he was lost in thought. He heard muffled sounds coming form his side. He looked up to see Charlie was sleep talking.

Steve stood up and got close to his face hear what he was saying. He couldn't make out anything. So he tried to calm him down. He threaded his fingers through Charlie's hair and spoke softly

“You're dreaming, Lee. Just go back to sleep. It's okay.”

But Charlie didn't calm down. He thrashed his head from side to side. His mumbling got louder and Steve could make out some words.


“Shh Charlie... It's okay. It's okay.”
Steve held him down and kept repeating.

Charlie shot up with a gasp. His chest heaved with heavy intake of air. His eyes wandered around the room. Steve cupped his face to anchor him.

“Hey baby. You're okay, it's okay. Look at me.”

Charlie's eyes met Steve and he released a shaky breath. He relaxed back into the pillow,  now well aware of how exhausted he was. His eyes didn't leave Steve.

“Steve...” He whispered, his voice breathy.

“You're safe, Charlie, I'm right here.” Steve made an effort to smile. Charlie sank further into the bed. His eyes closing by itself.

“Go back to sleep.”

And he did.

Next morning Charlie woke up, feeling just a little better. He blinked a couple of times before registering where he was. To his right was his boyfriend, fast asleep on a chair. His hand tightly holding onto Charlie's. To his left was a passed out Robin.

Unhinged | S. Harrington| B. Hargrove | Stranger Things  Where stories live. Discover now