Back To Square One

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Steve woke up alone. He was surprised to say the least. Charlie was usually the one to wake up first but he never left without waking Steve. Steve rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom. He could hear movement downstairs. He made his way to the kitchen where Charlie was sipping his coffee deep in thought.

“Morning.” Steve said to get his attention. Charlie looked up and smiled weakly, it didn't quite reach his eyes. Steve walked upto him.

“Good morning.” Charlie rose and gently kissed Steve.

“I was about to come up and wake you. Here let me...” Charlie was took Steve's cup to pour him some coffee but Steve took them cup from him.

“Did you sleep well?” Steve asked pouring himself a cup of coffee. He watched Charlie carefully.

“Yeah...yeah, it was fine.” Charlie muttered, avoiding Steve's gaze and looking pointedly at the wall.

Steve sat next to him and placed a hand on his knee. Charlie looked at him blankly.

“Are you okay?” Steve asked softly. His voice was low and like a caress. Without answering  Charlie leaned in for a breathtaking kiss. He tilted Steve's chin up and grazed his thump over his jawline. Steve melted into the kiss. When they pulled away, Charlie looked down inhaled deeply.

“I'm not opposed to that but you didn't answer my question.” Steve's voice was hoarse.

“I'm fine. I need to... I need to leave a little early today. I have to check on El and Dad. I don't know... I can't reach them on the phone.”
Charlie spoke without looking at Steve.

“...Okay...” Steve said hesitantly.

Charlie smiled but hit didn't reach his eyes . He quickly pecked his cheek. He bid his goodbyes and promised to see him later. Though Steve couldn't shake off the feeling that something wasn't right.

Charlie drove to the cabin in a haste. He walked in unceremoniously. Just then El vanished into her room with the phone in her hand. She shut the door behind her. Hopper was making cereal on the kitchen counter with a sneaky smile Charlie didn't like.

“Oh hello there... How generous of you to come visit your old man.” Hopper snarked. Charlie just hummed and leaned against the counter, his eyes fixed on El's door. When his snarky remark was not returned, Hopper turned around to face his son.

“You alright? You look a little pale.” Hopper touched his face with the back of his hand.

“I'm good. What's up with El?” Charlie asked quickly changing the subject.

“Teen drama.” Hopper shrugged. “You want some cereal?”

Charlie shook his head. He didn't feel like eating.
“Is it something with Mike. Shouldn't he be here by now?”

“Oh Mike.... Yeah I had a little talk with him. A reasonable conversation on boundaries and feelings, you know.”

Charlie raised an eyebrow.

“Did you threaten him?” was the first thing he asked.

“No no, of course not. You think that way about me?”

“Yes.” Charlie answered monotonously. Hopper gave him a look.

“Dad you don't know how to have conversations with teenagers, as your son, I can confirm it.”

“Oh don't worry about that... I got some pointers from Joyce.” Hopper waved him off.

“Joyce..Ah I see.” Charlie smirked.

Unhinged | S. Harrington| B. Hargrove | Stranger Things  Where stories live. Discover now