"I'M NOT LEAVING HIM!" she shout crying

"Then I'm sorry..."


Then he hit her making her unconscious. Gabriel transformed again and took her in his arms, leaving his son behind.

Arriving home, the man left Nathalie in her room, the he made sure to call the ambulance to tell them about the boy. Immediately he called the doctor to take care of Nathalie.

A few hours later, late, almost past midnight, Nathalie started shaking and moving uncontrollably in bed. Gabriel woke up feeling her, so he tried to wake her up.

"ADRIEN!" she shout scared

"It's okay, calm down...I'm here" he said, taking her in his arms and stroking her back

"Where am I" she asked confuse

"In your room, the doctor said to take a few days off, no stress or work, just bed rest"

"Where is Adrien?"



"Shushh, he...h..ugh I put him down with his mother "


"Don't...I have the ring and I'll talk to Ladybug, we'll make a deal and I-"



"Don't you see that all this craziness with the miraculous has ended r-"

"Nathalie, stop it. You're tired, weak and hurt, please go to sleep and I promise I'll solve everything"


"There's no but, now rest "

"I'm not listening to you. Your going crazy I can't-"


"You what?!"

"I love you and I can't see you like this. You are tired, I can see that, not to mention the bruises and scratches you have. It hurts me too, you know...it hurts to see you like this. You think I don't suffer knowing that I killed my own child, that I put my wife in a coma, that I hurt you...just please...listen to me ok? I'll sort it all out...somehow."

"Gabriel I-I'm....nothing, just let's sleep" she said looking apart

The two sat down in bed again, but what Gabriel didn't know was that Nathalie was waiting for him to fall asleep. As soon as she made sure that the man was asleep, she sneaked out of the room, taking the ring and the brooch from the bedside table and headed to the office. She pressed the hidden buttons in the painting with her trembling hands and went down to the basement.

When she got off the elevator, she was sweating profusely, her legs could barely hold her, not having the exoskeleton, and her vision was increasingly blurry. With small and slow steps she arrived in front of the two coffins. She put the ring in front of Adrien's coffin, and then put the brooch on her chest, Dusuu apearing.

"Miss Nathalie, please stop, you don't look so well.."

"I'm fine Dusuu, I know what I have to do now and I'm sorry"

"Sorry for what?"

"Dusuu spread my feathers!"she said and fall to the ground

"Adrien...Emilie...G-gabriel forgive me...fly away my little amok and give life to the two sleeping bodies" Mayura said before falling unconscious

Adrien pov

When I opened my eyes I saw a white light hitting me. I got up but I hit my head on a glass cover. I pressed my hand on it and it opened. I looked around a bit, but the place was unfamiliar to me. Then I heard a voice, a familiar voice crying. I looked down and couldn't believe my eyes. It was...it was my mother. She was on her knees crying. Getting up from the glass tube, I noticed that there was someone else. A body lying on the ground, a female body with some heels and a black suit. I approached a little scared and saw how my mother was holding Nathalie in her arms. "Mom" I lost a word out of fear. She heard me and said "Come, Adrien" then took me in her arms.


Immediately Adrien find a kwami who was also crying next to Nathalie. Then he saw the brooch she was wearing. Adrien looked at his mother once more, then he sat next to Nathalie and bowed his head, kissed her on the cheek and whispered "thank you for everything Nathalie" then he got up and left for the elevator, leaving the two women there. As soon as he entered the office, he ran, slamming the door of the room and started shouting. "GET OUT FATHER, HOW COULD YOU!"

Gabriel woke up instantly. He didn't even notice that Nathalie was no longer with him. He ran out with tears in his eyes towards the boy. When he was about to take him in his arms, Adrien slapped him.

"Son, what do you think you're doing?"

"Hawk Moth, what do you think you're doing?"

"What...but how, Adrien I can explain ...you see-"

"Oh yeah? Come after me then" the boy said heading towards the painting

"Open the secret entrance"


When the two arrived, Gabriel could not believe what he saw. Emilie, his wife was awake. The man immediately ran to her, but he received the same thing as from his son.


"How could you do something like this Gabriel! I told you to stop, I told you it's not worth it!"

"Emilie I...it doesn't matter, how you-" she didn't let him finish, she step aside, exposing the lifeless body of his assistant


"She managed to tell me what you did, before she died in my hands....Gabriel, you promised me" she looked at him with hatred


Emilie pov

My vision was blurry, my head was spinning slowly, but when I reached out with my hand, I heard a click, and everything suddenly light up. I raised my sleepy body and next to me I saw Adrien. I realized immediately what happened. Gabriel had not kept his promise...I got up, but a woman was lying in front of me. I didn't realize who she was until I saw the red strand in her hair. I rushed to her side and gently lifted her head, holding her in my arms.

Nathalie! Nathalie...please open your eyes!

I started crying uncontrollably, I knew Gabriel wouldn't stop, but I didn't think it would come to this. I frozen when I felt a hand, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

I looked down and Nathalie smiled at me. "It works, thank god" she said

Nathalie you need a doctor, I'll go and bring Gabr-

"No, Emilie, Gabriel has gone mad, look what he did to Adrien, he is lost in the madness of power. Take care of Adrien, don't leave him near him...I kept my promise afterall, now I can rest in peace"

Don't say that, Nathalie? NATHALIE!  I shouted seeing she closed her eyes


"It's not my fault, it's Lad-"

"Gabriel stops, first I'll get Nathalie out of here, then I'll take Adrien and we'll move to my sister's in London. You don't even deserve to look at me, it disgusts me when I see you"

"Emilie my love!"

"You heard her father, now excuse us, Nathalie deserves at least a funeral, away from you"

"Yeah they're right, psycho!" shout Dusuu

Then Adrien took the ring and helped his mother get Nathalie out of the basement, leaving Gabriel alone in the dark.

The end

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