"Oh my god," Murray whined, holding his stinging cheek. "It's my job to investigate those situations! If I knew she was dead I would have told the couple!"

"'Job' my ass, you're freelance!"

Murray stood up straight. "And I did more work than anyone else could have!"

"You were chasing ghosts! And not only that, but you had the audacity to bring in your stupid little Russian conspiracies into the mix," I scoffed.

"Yeah well, look at us now!" He yelled. "Trying to stop a Russian invasion." I crossed my arms and glared at him. Realizing my fight was over, he sighed and went back to his paper map. "Now the hub will take us to the vault room."

"Okay, where's the gate," Hopper said gruffly.

"Right here," He emphasized with a tap of the paper. "I don't know the scale of this, but I think it's fairly close to the Vault room, maybe 50 feet or so."

I scoffed. "More like 500. You cant just go skipping in there holding hands and singing."

"I'm sorry, I never caught your name," Murray sighed, glaring up at me.

"Henderson. Y/N Henderson. It's a pleasure," I glared right back. I offered my hand for him to shake, and made sure to crush him with my grip. He winced and pulled back his hand.

"Listen Mr. Bunman," Erica said, stepping forward. I could see the light fade from Murray's eyes as more children began to invade his plan. I smirked as Erica continued. "We've been stuck down in that shit-hole for over 24 hours. And with all due respect, if you follow this man's plan, you're all gonna die," She explained to everyone surrounding us.

"Why am I being attacked by preschoolers?" Murray asked sarcastically, finally a challenge for Erica's sass.

"I'm 10 you bald bastard!" She spat.

"Erica!" Lucas said, baffled at his sister's disrespect.

"It's just the facts!" She said, raising her hands in defense.

"She's right. You're all gonna die, but you don't have to," I said, stepping forward and grabbing the paper map. "There's a cart that can take you from the elevator to wherever you need to go. But every hall is armed with all kinds of men and armory, which makes moving above the surface basically impossible." I explained.

"What do you mean, 'above the surface'?" Hopper asked, adjusting the gun strapped over his shoulder.

"May I?" Dustin cut it, grabbing the map from me.

Murray scoffed, "By all means."

"Right here is a storage facility," Dustin said, circling the spot on a map with a pencil he grabbed from his vest. "There's a hatch in there, that feeds into their underground ventilation system. That will lead you to the base of the weapon. It's a bit of a maze down there, but between me, Y/N, and Erica, we can show you the way."

"You can show us the way," Hopper repeated slowly.

"Don't worry, you can do all the fighting and dangerous hero shit, and we'll just be your navigators."

"Yeah no," I shook my head. "You two aren't going anywhere."

"What do you mean 'you two'?" Hopper asked. "You aren't going anywhere either!"

"I'd beg to differ," I said, crossing my arms. "Those halls are a nightmare, you need someone to guide you. And besides, I'm the only one with keys to the cart." I patted the pocket of my sailor shorts, and the keys jingled inside.

The Babysitters: Steve Harrington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now