"Punched Malfoy" He puts his head in his hands and groans.

"Nova seriously"

"Sorry Charlie, he just knows how to push my buttons"

"I know love, you just need to try and ignore him" 

"I know it's just so hard sometimes" 

"I know Nova but it's your last year and then you'll be away from him and hopefully with me in Romania" He smirks at me.

"So you want me in Romania with you then" I tease.


"I'll think about it, I might fail my exams for all you know" 

"I doubt that very much and even if you did you can still come live with me maybe work with the dragons with me" 

"Always good to have a backup I guess" 

"Anyway Darling, I've got to get to this meeting although I need to know how Sirius did these mirrors would be so much better to actually be able to see you rather than just write"

"You'll have to ask him. Love you Charlie"

"Love you too Nova, speak to you later"


"Bye baby" I smile at this as he disappears. 6 o'clock comes round to fast as I head for yet another detention. 

"You know what to do" Umbridge says as I sit down and start writing almost numb to the feeling of the pain now. After a few hours she speaks again. "Hand" She looks at my hand "Very good I'll see you the same time tomorrow" I head back to the common room and find Fred waiting outside for me.

"You okay"

"I'm fine Freddie" 

"I hate her, I hate what she's doing to you Rory, it's not right" I wrap my arms around him.

"I know Freddie" We head in and up to their dorm and find George and Lee working on products. George looks up and points at the bowl on his drawers. "Thanks Georgie" He winks and goes back to what he was doing.

December arrived, bringing with it more snow and a positive avalanche of homework. We arrived at the D.A. meeting to find the others already there.

"Okay," Harry said, calling everyone to order. "I thought this evening we should just go over the things we've done so far, because it's the last meeting before the holidays and there's no point starting anything new right before a three-week break" 

"We're not doing anything new?" Zacharias Smith said, in a disgruntled whisper loud enough to carry through the room. "If I'd known that, I wouldn't have come" 

"We're all really sorry Harry didn't tell you, then," Fred said loudly as I smirked. Several other people sniggered. 

"We can practice in pairs," Harry said. "We'll start with the Impediment Jinx, just for ten minutes, then we can get out the cushions and try Stunning again." Everyone divided up obediently and I partnered with Neville as usual. The room was soon full of intermittent cries of "Impedimenta!" People froze for a minute or so, during which their partners would stare aimlessly around the room watching other pairs at work, then would unfreeze and take their turn at the jinx. Neville had improved beyond all recognition. After ten minutes on the Impediment Jinx, we laid out cushions all over the floor and started practicing Stunning again. Space was really too confined to allow everyone all to work this spell at once; half the group observed the others for a while, then swapped over. Neville managed to Stun Padma Patil rather than Dean, at whom he had been aiming, but it was a much closer miss than usual, and everybody else had made enormous progress. At the end of an hour, Harry called a halt. "You're getting really good," he said, beaming around at them. "When we get back from the holidays we can start doing some of the big stuff maybe even Patronuses." There was a murmur of excitement. The room began to clear in the usual twos and threes. I decided to sleep in the twins dorm where I'd been sleeping a lot lately. 

In love with a Weasley (Charlie Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now