Day one

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Hawks took a wet rag to wipe the blood from his cheeks. As soon the wet rag tuched Dabis cheek he puled his face away.

"It's me Dabi. Let me wash your face"

"I can do it by my self"

Dabi only opened his eyes to see were the rag is. He tore the rag out of his hand and wiped blood of his cheeks. Dabi tosted the rag some were in the room. He lay down on his side with his back to Hawks.

"Dabi open your eyes"

"No, I don't wan't to look at your disgusting face"

"Dabi, what's wrong, you can tell me"

"You wan't to know what's wrong-"

"I mean what happened to your eyes, why don't you open your prety eyes?"

"They fucking hurt are you fucking happy now"

Dabi heard door opening and he thought that he finaly left, but soon he was at his side again. Hawks forced him to lay on his back.

"Baby open your eyes for me, please"

"For you to put in some kind of drug. Hell to fucking NO"

"It's eye drops, noting bad will not happen it'll help you. Be a good boy and open your eyes"

It did the trick he opend one eye. Hawks put in a couple of drops. Dabi blinked cople of times.

"Now other eye"

Dabi opened his leaft eye and Hawks did the same to hia leaft eye. Dabi blined couple times.

"It's dinner time what do you wan't to eat"

"Leve me alone"



"Sigh. And I thought we had some kind of progress"

After a forcefully eaten dinner Dabi had exhausted himself enough to fall asleep in Hawks hands. Hawks pulled him closer to his chest and laid his wing over him like a blanket.
After an a hour Hawks put his phone away and cuddled with Dabi.

316 words


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