Chapter 5: Friends or Something more

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"Hey," Someone held her shaking hand as they gently removed the pottery shard away from her palm. "Y/n, are you alright?"

Once the fog from her mind cleared her vision, she saw Souta. She stammered as she tried to explain what had happened. 

"I-" She paused. "I broke it," Y/n finally said with a strained voice. 

Souta did his best to calm her. "It's okay, we'll clean it up," He then assisted her as they went inside the house. 

All the while Haruchiyo stood out their gate with a worried look on his face. He was walking back from taking the trash out when he heard a pot get thrown, and when he tried to check, Souta was comforting Y/n. 

He stared at the broken pieces of the flower pot for a moment before brushing the scene off his mind. It was none of his business to pry as to what happened. 

"Did you hear the noise?" Senju asked curiously as Haruchiyo walked in. 

Haruchiyo only shrugged. "Probably a stray cat knocking down something," He answered, not wanting to worry his sister over it. 

"Oh! You think so?" Senju beamed. "I haven't seen many stray cats in this area," 

"What, you want to take in a stray now?" Haru asked as he washed his hands by the kitchen sink. "You can't even clean up your own mess,"

"Whatever," Senju rolled her eyes before going back up to her room. 

When Haruchiyo went back up to his room, he walked past their home office and noticed that the blinds from Y/n's home office were closed. 

It was a bit odd to him since he had never seen it closed, but then again, he's new to the neighborhood, he can't say things are out of place just yet. 




A few days passed, and the Akashi family became used to the neighborhood, in other words, Haruchiyo could finally go home without getting lost in a random street. 

He was more than glad no more of those awkward lost situations would be on his future bucket list. 

Haruchiyo can still recall one of the times he got lost and Y/n found him sitting beside a light post looking like a stray kitten, as Y/n worded it. 

 "What are you chuckling for?" Takeomi raised a brow at his brother. 

Senju then looked as well. "What'd you do this time." She deadpanned. "Takeomi, check the toilet-"

"I did nothing!" Haruchiyo quickly defended. 

"Then why were you laughing?" Senju pried.

"Nothing, I just remembered something," He shrugged before taking the last bite of his breakfast and returning to their home office. 

Senju and Takeomi looked at each other. They knew exactly it wasn't 'nothing', after all, Sanzu only smiled like that if he remembered a really good memory. 

While the two were continuing to eat their breakfast, Sanzu was sat on his chair and was replying to some emails. 

 Maybe a few minutes had passed, he wasn't sure, but he saw Y/n also sitting by her desk, looking rather stressed. 

He suddenly had an idea to get up and try to greet the girl, hoping to check up on her. But his plan was quickly shut down when her assistant came to view. 

Her stressed look quickly faded into a relieved look, and Souta approached her with a warm smile as he handed her a cup. 

Sanzu turned his attention back to his monitor since it seemed like Y/n was fine, so he saw no need to try and cheer the girl up. 

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