Prologue: Arrival of the new Neighbors

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How does one acquire a boyfriend? 

L/n Y/n has no idea what exactly the answer was, but she sure does know how to spot a fine-ass person in a crowd, or in this case, in a grocery store. 

"Y/n, dear, please don't stare at people, it's rude" Her mother reminded her as she was checking different types of carrots. "And can you please grab some potatoes?" 

Her daughter wasn't really listening. "Oh my God, Mom, did you see-?!" Y/n whisper-shouted while she tried to tap her mother's shoulder only to miss multiple times since she was still looking in another direction, mainly at the absolute masterpiece of a human she saw. 

Her mother hummed. "See what?" She said as she placed the carrots she picked onto the cart. 

"Look," Y/n subtly jerked her head in a certain direction. "Are they even real-?!" 

Y/n's mother chuckled as she rolled her eyes. "Yes Y/n, they're very much real, just like the person you saw earlier on the milk aisle, and to every aisle, we've been to" 

"Hey, the milk aisle crush is different from this, they actually talked to me and helped me to grab the chocolate milk, and! they complimented my outfit" She retorted sassily before turning soft again with a sigh. "Their voice was so kind... " 

"Honey you're being creepy," Her mother deadpanned. 

"Hey-! I'm not," She paused to think. "Am I?" 

"Oh Y/n," Her mother chuckled again, genuine and soft. "If you really want to have a significant other, go ahead and socialize, you're not going to get anywhere with someone if all you do is look and admire from afar."

"Eh, I don't think I'm fit to be in an actual relationship..." She mumbled with a sheepish laugh. "It's fun to imagine it though" Y/n shrugged before going to where the potatoes were. 

M/n watched her daughter with a soft gaze before sighing solemnly. She admires how her daughter never lost hope in believing in love after a sudden breakup but she noticed how Y/n never had another partner after her first one. 

"Hey Mom, look at these," Y/n came back with a bag of potatoes. "This one looks like it's screaming heh" She laughed at the potato. 

M/n laughed as well, but not because of the potato but because of her daughter's infectious laughter. "Let's go pay for these, I'm sure your father will be home soon," 

Y/n nodded with a hum. "I'm getting hungry too..." 




Their garage door opened automatically when their car stopped in front of their house, as they waited for it to fully open, Y/n noticed a moving company truck parked by the next house. 

"A new neighbor?" She asked without context, assuming her mother also saw the truck. 

Her mother hummed. "I guess so, the lot must've been bought by someone already," 

"Do you know who could they be?" Y/n asked as she tried to see if she could spot the new owner. 

"No idea, there's no news in the neighborhood that someone's moving in" Her mother replied. 

"That's new, you always know the gossip around here," Y/n said half joking. 

"I'm sure you just want to know if they're cute," Her mother playfully rolled her eyes. 

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