Chapter 4: The Secret of a Silent Voice

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There's something about staring into space in the morning right after you woke up that just feels so good, it's like your brain is still processing that you exist. 

"Y/n, your beverage is gonna get cold," Her father spoke making her blink and instantly regain her composure. 

"Oh," She mumbled and took a sip before setting it down and staring again. 

Her parents glanced at each other in worry and confusion. "Y/n, are you alright?" Her mother asked. Y/n looked at her slowly and hummed questioningly. "Why don't you stay at home?" Her mother sweatdropped. 

"Wait, what?" Y/n finally grasped her consciousness. "I never miss a day of work, it'd be a shame to ruin it," 

"Well, how about this," Her father spoke. "Go and try to talk to your new friends, reach out, and try to make them endorse your pastries?" 

She chuckled. "Do we really need celebrity endorsers, Dad?" Y/n jokingly raised a brow. "We're already well known enough, do we need to do that kind of thing?" 

Y/n was pointing out the fact that her bakery is basically advertised on big screens on the city streets, and is stable in sales. And plus, she wouldn't want to make her new friends her business partners in a way. 

"What your father meant to say is, go and try to hang out with your new friends," Her mother defended. "Ever since we moved here, you never made another friend,"

"Mom, I'm not seven to seek close friendship with our neighbors," Y/n sighed. "We're casual individuals, and that's enough. Plus, I have Souta," 

"Souta is your assistant, he's a work-mate still." Her father spoke. "You two might be close, but most of the time you two just work and talk about work," 

"It'll be good to have more friends that are not involved with your work," Her mother cleared. 

"You two are being weird, what's up?" She suspiciously gazed at them as she crossed her arms. "The last time you were this persistent was because you two wanted something," 

"Your father and I just want you to finally let people in your life again," Her mother confronted. 

Y/n chuckled innocently, completely missing her parents' intentions. "You two just want me to rest 'cause I was spacing out earlier, right?" She assumed. "Don't worry, I just stayed up later than usual last night, I'm completely fine," 

"You stayed up because of work again?" One of her parents asked and they were surprised when she shook her head no. "Oh? Then what did keep you up all night?" 

"More like a who," Y/n replied casually. "I spent my night talking to a new friend," 

"So you did sneak out last night," Souta commented as he walked back into the dining room. 

Y/n rolled her eyes. "You say that as if I'm some rebellious teen," She looked at him. "Plus, I'm neither a rebel nor a teen at that," 

Then her phone made a small chime and she immediately smiled seeing who it was and excitedly answered the phone and left the dining room without a word. 

"Well, she sure does act like one," Y/n's father joked. "Anyway, Souta, how is she?" 

The L/n's are a family who knew little about struggle, they are quite the money makers, and most of the time parents of those types of families are distant from their children. 

And although they all might seem close, they knew well that Y/n wasn't that open with them about her struggles, and that's what Souta's role in the L/n family is. 

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