Seal of the sun

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The sun was in the middle of the sky and every moment he gave his grace to the earth, This grace is given to everyone, life and warmth...

At that moment, a young woman raised her head to the sky and said to the sun: (I know that out of kindness, you give us warmth, but this warmth is a torment for me because...)

A voice: (tiameni, hurry up, go and get water from the river)

Tiameni lowered his head with a disappointed face and answered:( Yes, my lady)

Tiameni picked up the bucket and moved towards the river, and in this the reason for her complaint was revealed to the sun; she was a servant, her server was very demanding and strict, he ordered and forbade Tiameni a lot, so much so that she once broke her arm.

And if one of the crew makes a small mistake. It forces him to sit under the sun; she was a servant, her server was very demanding and strict, he ordered and forbade Tiameni a lot, so much so that she once broke her arm.

And if one of the crew makes a small mistake. It forces him to sit under the sun for three whole days.

However, this young girl had also been whipped by her server.

Each of the servants had their own stories. But the story of tiameni, this young woman, was special and that was the reason for her server's pressure on her The whole story is that this man was once the servant of this girl's father, and he somehow takes his revenge with these strictures.

Although his father treated all his subjects with tenderness...

to be continued.....

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