"W-Well, no. Not exactly just for this.... But well, hehe, I did wanted a surprise, and using some of the abilities of my tengenjustu is well, more or less annoying...I also have to take off my eye patch to use it and I am too lazy to do so." Ryudo answered while he chuckled awkwardly,"I actually want to guess instead of just getting straight to the point... As we still got a good amount of time."

"Oh. So then you won't be able to use some of your abilities of your tengenjustu with your eye patch on, but you are still so strong with your eye patch on already." Yami said in an understanding tone, which was rarely seen. 

YAMI IS SO CUTEEEE WITH HIS THINKING FACE!!!EEEKKKKKKKK! "I see. Well-" Charlotte was going to answer is question until Ryudo interrupted with a huge grin,"Are you perhaps his girlfriend?" Charlotte just stared at him blankly with her soul internally flying out of her body. "OHHHH!! Then you must be Yami's wife!!! Yami, I am truly shocked that you got such a beauty as your wife!!" Ryudo teased with an even larger grin while he patted Yami's shoulder with a I-knew-it face. Yami just blinked confusedly with knitted eyebrows. While Charlotte's face went unexpectedly bright, crimson red, one of the brightest anyone had ever witnessed. Ryudo looked unexpected at her reaction, everyone would have never have expected for an emotionless woman like her to blush ever so brightly. Ryudo furrowed his eyebrows all of a sudden while he walked towards the door and gently slid it open.

I-I am thought to be Yami's wifeeeee!!!!!!!! Wait-WHATTTTTT!!!!! "I-I am-" As Charlotte was going to correct his huge mistake, Ichika bursted into the door Ryudo opened.

Ichika bursted in along with a girl being piggy-bagged on the back.

"Who is that?"Yami asked curiously while he saw a girl lay on top of his sister's back. Ryudo ignored him and asked Ichika instead,"Ichika, is she alive?" Ichika placed her laying down next to Charlotte who have already swift from her direction of Yami, and the four just stood up and walked closer up to the girl, they all observed around her.

She was a teenage girl who was around the age of 15 or 16, she was severely injured, from top to bottom, she had bruises and broken bones. Without all the injuries, she would actually be a beauty, not that she wasn't even with all those wound. She had long black, silky hair to her upper-back, with a messy braid hanging down on the left side of her face. She had a gorgeous face, she had long visible eye lashes, a peach pink lips- Just like Charlotte's face. Her clothings were rather simple and well- very ruined, as if she was beaten up on a mission against someone very strong. There was something that seemed to be supposed to be a delicately made armour on on the chest and her upper back which was now broken, most were broken with the cause of force. She had a black undershirt inside that resembles the one that was wore as an official uniform for magic knights in the Clover (pretty much the one wore in spade arc) and a pair of black pants with silver armour high boots. In between was a brown leather belt with a dark grimoire buckled on it and finished off with a black cape that have a sign that seemed kind of familiar to the two from Clover but was too ruined to be recognised. The cap wasn't long, it only reached to her waist.  

Ryudo immediately said,"Ichika, we need a doctor, now." Ichika furrowed her eyebrows and replied while she continued to stare at the poor girl,"As you wish, but it will take some time, the nearest place that have a doctor is around 15 minutes away, and the doctors maybe not there, since today is a holiday, Ryuya-sama." Ryudo answered without any doubts,"I agree but-" "I will try." Charlotte interrupted while she kneeled down next to the girl, slowly a rose aroused from her hand and it gradually went went onto the girl and leisurely covered her hand in blue roses and briars, a spell also appeared on her grimiore. 

Ryudo asked in a small shock,"H-How do you also know this? I thought blue roses-" It seemed like he did read some of her memories after all. Yami answered for her since she was focusing really hard,"Prickly princess's body was taken by an elf and she was able to use this magic, I think she is tryin' to copy what she had done, even though she had no consciousness when it happened but she knew it happened, that's what I think she's tryn' to do." Charlotte continued healing her while she knitted her eyebrows hard together, because it really wasn't an easy task, especially when she had only saw it and felt it once before.

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