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*3rd view*

"Where are Charlotte and Yami? Have any of you seen them before coming?They are really late.''The 28th Wizard emperor asked the fellow captains in the captains' meeting. Jack answered,"Huh? I bet Yami is just late again, kekeke." Rill was just spacing out thinking about the mysterious black hair girl... Nozel nodded in agreement then added," He is always late." Julius nodded in agreement, Yami was always late no one could ever deny it. What about Charlotte though. He then questioned them the question the confused him the most," What about Charlotte though, She is never late, well except for a few times." Fuegoleon agreed,"Charlotte is almost never late, I wonder what happened." Julius nodded, then summoned Marx to go in. "Marx, Can you please call the blue rose and black bulls?" Marx answered," Yes of course." Then just before he had called them....

BOOM!!! A bunch of magic knights rushed into the captains' meeting room. They could be identified as some blue roses and some black bull magic knights. As soon as they went in, they all started shouting something worriedly, in anxiety.''Ahhh!" "Where are they???" " Magic king!!!"" We need help!!" These words just filled the whole meeting room, the whole castle. The captains tried to say something, but it was way too quiet to be heard, the magic knights weren't even focusing on them, even if they are charging their high level mana, they were all just continuing shouting at Julius about "the problem".It was until Julius gestures them to stop with a wide smile on his face, stated,"I know you are all worried about something, but please say it one by one, or else I couldn't possibly understand you all."

Then Asta pushed through the crowd, so did Sol. They both went to the front of the bunch, right in front of all the fellow magic captains and Julius, shouted in unison,"CAPTAIN YAMI/SIS IS GONE!!!!" Their monstrous voice was so loud, that even Dorothy was woken up in shock because of their voice. Dorothy went wide awake, she turned her head around to look at her surroundings, then turned to Nozel and asked cheerfully, flooded with curiosity,"Ne! Ne! What's happening here??" Nozel turned to her then answered emotionlessly," I genuinely do not know." Then all the captains were officially just watching the show. Julius smiled then spoken,"So, those two are missing...." Sol suddenly bursted out in tears, shuddered,"W-What if sis is kidnapped???" Asta added in more tears floating out of his eyes,"What if they were kidnapped by s-someone as strong as the devils we fought?" Julius frowned at their thoughts, It does make kind of sense at some point, but how... how though, they are captains, they are strong? right? He answered, patting their shoulders, answered as well convincing himself,"They are captains, they aren't weak enough to be killed. Believe in your own captain." Asta suddenly became ten times more cheerful, shouted happily,"Yes!!! Captain Yami is very very very very strong!!!" Sol smiled warmly in pride then added,"Sis is extremely strong!!"

All the magic knights seemed to be relaxed, including the almost deaf captains who just stopped blocking their ears from the awfully loud shouts. Just as a lot of the magic knights were almost at the point of leaving and going back to their realm, so then the captains could just continue their meeting without all these constant interruptions. That's when Zora asked them a very questionable question,"Where are they if they are not kidnapped, it is almost 1 in the afternoon. they couldn't possibly be 2 hours late, right?" Noelle built onto the statement worriedly,"They couldn't possibly be that late. Not even Captain Yami. Neither would captain Charlotte be ever that late." Walliam added on,"The chance of the two of them being kidnapped is very high, we have to do something to find them, before...''Walliam's voice slowly fainted away as everyone looked down in anxiety. Marx quickly asked Julius,"Should I call them? I think I am able to, since I feel that they aren't that far away." Julius nodded with a more serious expression. "Beep! Beep!" It ringed and ringed, but after a long while, there was still no one answering or whatsoever.

Julius immediately ordered the magic knights,"Asta, Noelle, Charmy, go onto the south side of Clover. Sol, Vannesa, Magma, Finral, go into the east side of the Clover. Galgeira, Luck, Grey, Gauche, go to the North side. Gordon, Nero, Puli Angle, go to the West side. They won't be far away, since Marx was able to call them." All of them saluted at the magic emperor. Just as they were leaving, They all spotted Charmy eating on Rill's lap, then Julius just asked as a suggestion,"Why not Rill join Asta, Noelle, Charmy go to the South side?" Rill somehow turned his head around, stopped himself from spacing out then answered awkwardly, scratching his cheek slightly, as he wasn't really paying attention to what was happening,"Er... ok." Then Charmy pulled Rill and ran out with all the other magic knights who were already far into searching. Rill stared at this small girl who was pulling him, and realized something he was thinking in the night, in the morning, all the time. She looked very familiar. I-Is she the girl, the girl who saved me? They both have the love in food, green big eyes, black long hair...... But she is a lot shorter-I don't have time for this!! I have to save Yami and Charlotte. Errr... Right?? He stopped his thoughts and finally starting to focus on the mission.

All of the magic knights who were participating in the search fled in a matter of seconds, and went on their mission to find their lost captains who were possibly in danger. The other captains just sat there watching the wizard king, as Julius told them his decision,"We will have to change our captains' meeting on another day, sorry... I have to be sure they find Yami and Charlotte first." All the captains nodded in deep understandment. Dorothy pointed her index finger towards her face, asked worriedly in a cheerful manner,"Do you need our help?" Julius looked down in deep thought, Of course the more people the faster we could find them, but if I placed too many people on this search, then there might not be enough magic knights on other things, like defending the Clover, stopping invasions that had rapidly happened in these two years... I should maybe just send two or three captains, since they really do seem to want to help out... Julius answered after the deep thoughts he had been through," I have decided, Dorothy, Nozel, you two search for them from the above, that would be all the power we could afford in this search. Everyone else may return to their work." Dorothy and Nozel saluted,"yes, Sir!" Then they both ran down again in almost a matter of seconds. The rest of the captains left in a hurry, they all quickly returned to their work in their squads' dorm, as they had missed at least 2 hours of work time.

This is all for chapter 2. I might write about the original timeline Charlotte and Yami in the next chapter.... (o*。_。)o

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