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*Charlotte view*

"Are we there yet? ughh.." Yami asked me tiredly in sweat. I rubbed my sweat off my face, then laughed,"H-huh? You are already tired?" He stared right into my eyes then answered with a honest expression,"Of course! I-I need my lunch and breakfast, I am starving right now!" I looked forward to my target which was obviously the Clover, I then saw something. I squint my eyes to get a better view of it. I-It was the Clover! I immediately turned around to Yami, with a slight beam,"W-We are almost there! Look." I slowly calmed myself down, I was not planning to act like a child in front of him. He smiled in victory, placed his fist out towards me. What was I supposed to do? Is it a commoner kind of thing? I just gently sent my fist at his, then our fist touched each others'... Is this what it is like to have a friends? We smiled together.

We were finally there, I stopped just in front of the huge gate. From what I saw, it was beautiful, I-I never really went out of my castle before to be honest, I never needed to... Yami grinned and pulled me into the huge gate, I reluctantly followed him. I didn't know why, but It felt nice having his company, being with him. It felt nice doing things that wasn't just training... he led me to all these stands, he was practically drooling. "C-Can we please have this? Please?? Prickly princess??"he begged me, with his sparkling grey eyes, he went closer and closer to my face. I was starting to feel the embarassment, I pushed him away softly, then answered in a softer voice, I didn't really want to be mean or be too nice,"U-um. O-ok. Let me check if I have any momey with me. Since I just got randomly sent to somewhere with you, with a lot of things that I expected to have but do not." I quickly looked at my clothings, for perhapes a pocket? Any bags? I looked over everywhere possible, it turned out that - I really didn't have any money with me right now... he looked upset, just told me with a bitter smile,"I-It's ok, we will find our way."I nodded sadly at the fact that we might not be able to find food, nor a place to live in- Wait. If we go back to my home, then I'll be able to get us food and money. I immediatly told him this idea, his eyes once again sparkled, said,"Lead the way! Prickly princess!" I then walked fowards, then realised... I don't know the way back home. I don't know! I turned my head back towards him with the realisation. He asked,"Y-You don't know your way h-home???" I nodded in embarrassment. He asked with one of his eye brows raised,"How though?" I looked down in embarrassment while answering his question,"I-I didn't really need to go outside, and even if I needed to, I was inside carriages with all those magic knights..." he patted my head then replied,"It is ok, we will find your way home." I stared into his warm gray eyes targeted towards me, I smiled slightly in response.

We walked to a nearby corner, near the shop Yami wanted to buy snacks from. The shop selled..... a snack that has a stick with three different color balls stuck into it? What is that? I tapped the drooling Yami on the shoulder,"What is that? You know?" He turned towards me with a shrug, responded,"It looks sweet and tasty though..." The more we looked at it, the closer to the stand we became. Now that I looked at it, the hungrier I got, I patted my tummy, stopping myself from slobbering. Charlotte Rosiel shall never ruin my house's reputation... I AM STARVING THOUGH!!!! At the end I wasn't able to control myself and stared at the delicious looking food, biting my lips, attempting to stop myself from showing it. I just stood next to Yami who was drooling and stared at the food with sparkly eyes of hunger.

"Can I have 4 of these?" Suddenly a small child who came from behind asked the stop keeper, while slobbering. The shopkeeper answered while packing 4 of the food into a paper bag," Ok! coming right up. 2 Yul please." Then she was followed by 3 others rushing for afar who seemed to be magic knights, 2 of them have a black robe with a bull on it... Which I do not at all recognise. I stared at the short girl, then saw her grimoire and her black cloak, I came to a conclusion. She was also a magic knight!!! I turned my head from the magic knights to Yami, to tell him that we should leave, so we don't stop the shop keeper's business. " Yami, we should leave."I whispered to Yami, but it turned out he was still staring into the food, I patted him on the shoulder and demanded again,"We really should-"

Suddenly the short magic knight came from behind and patted us on the shoulder, asked while smiling warmly, with sparkly eyes"La? Are you two perhaps hungry??" I was going to lie about it,"N-" Then Yami honestly interrupted,"Y-Yes. We hadn't eat any food from morning till now..." I glared at Yami despite my hunger, I was going to kill him. Until one of the magic knight with blond, greyish hair rushed her while shouting,"Charmy Senpai!!! Wait for us!!!!" Then he stopped in front of us, with dust all behind him. He then told the girl who was named"Charmy"," Charmy senpai! We really need to go find the captains!!" Charmy then lazily answered,"Ok La! Asta~~Wait till the shop keeper give me the Dango!!" Asta nodded, then responded,"Ok then.. By the way who are these kids?" he asked while pointing at the two of us, Charmy answered smilling ,"They are two hungry kids." Asta then looked closer towards us, stared at us, at our faces, hair, then stated,"They look familiar!" Then two of the rest magic knights came, short of breath. The one with silver twin pony tails magic knigth came furiously, hit asta on the head immediately, shouted,"Don't you dare hurt these innocent kids!" Asta seemed really hurt, held his head tightly with a bump on his head already. The girl came towards then asked in a litterally different tone,"Are you two ok? Did her made you two uncomfortable?" S-she looked like Aunt A-Acier, from the Silva house... W-Who just recently passed away. I shivered and furrowed my eyebrows, but that couldn't be.. right? She was dead.

I stood a few steps away from the magic knight who looked the same as aunt Acier, she seemed worried, then kneeled down, asked again warmly in a gentle tone, almost like the one aunt Acier always used..."A-Are you really ok?" I nodded in extreme shiver, then Yami tapped me on the shoulder, mumbled towards me,"Are you sure you are ok? Prickly princess?" I nodded, then forced myself to stood forward, answered in the most determined tone I could use at this critical moment,"Y-ya... I am fine." She smiled, then placed her hand out towards mine,"U-Urm.. I am Noelle Silva, Nice to meet you." Noelle Silva? The new born baby girl? Aunt Acier's daughter? Wait What?! Does this mean- I shook her hand and answered with a forced smile,"I am Charlotte Rose." Yami stared at me with confusion, whispered towards me,"W-What-" I stopped him, placed my hand on his mouth, then introduced him as well,"He is my friend, Sukehiro Yami." Yami glared at me in confusion, suprisingly he didn't tried to struggle. Asta bounced up and down and said," You guys really reminds me of people we know!!" I nodded in a smile, asked with the obvious answer inside my brain,"Really?"

Then Charmy suddenly handed us both a Dango, and beamed,"These are yours! I know you two are hungry, so you two can have these two~~" I beamed brightly, while as Yami also smiled brightly, but was blocked by my hands, then I accepted it using my free hand, while as Yami accepted his using both of his hands. I bowed and thanked her,"Thank you very much, Charmy."Charmy patted both of our heads again. So did Noelle and Asta, they were murmuring about something about us being cute whule patted our heads. "Charmy chan.... We really have to go..." The magic knight with pale green hair told Charmy in a akward smile. Noelle added," We really have to find those two.... I guess this is good bye, Sukehiro san and Charlotte." They then left rushing towards the west side again, while waving slightly. Charmy just smiled slightly then left, waving towards us on a cotton cloud eating her dango? I wonder who were the people that was so important for them to find... That's when I finally released my hand from Yami's mouth. he screamed towards me with a scrowl on his face,"W-why did you stop me from saying anything??? Why did you fake my and your name??" I sighed, while starting to eat the dango. MMMMMM!!!! It was so delicious! "Yami, dango is really worth savoring, right?" Well, before I finished, he already finished his with a face of satisfactory, he then demanded again,"What was it about anyways??"I then slowly tried to explained to him calmly in a whisper right next to his ears, while enjoying the dango I had recieved,"I-I think we've traveled to the future." he shouted again, but a lot louder than the first time," WHATTT!!!!"

That's all for this chapter. By the way, the characters' design is the original one, so then Asta isn't so dang muscular, but he is taller here, maybe like 165cm? Noelle and Rill will still have their old hairstyle.

I wanna get home!!! CharlottexYamiWhere stories live. Discover now