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The Charlotte and Yami here are both from the future, and I am way too lazy to bold all of their names, so this is this... 

Accept it. ¯\(;へ:)/¯

*Charlotte view

"Yeah. Ichika looked so different from before... but hey, she is still as short as she was!"he smiled, then continued," I almost didn't recognise her." Yami answered to my statement with a chuckle, then he offered,"Want me to show you around?"

YAMI WANTS TO SHOW ME AROUND!!?? I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT!?!?!? I nodded calmly, since I was scared that if I say something instead of just nodding, it would be offensive and that he would have taken it as a no, afterall... that happen several times before. "Then let's go!" He said as he pulled me by my wrist, into the gates, into this mysterious yet beautiful land.

On the way in, I spotted that all people here have dark hair, and look- different, I have never seen anyone that looked like them except for Yami. Their clothings are also unique, they all wore the clothings that are all in one and made with a weird kind of fabric... I have never seen any of these before. The people were also using things that looked like a scroll, and magic came out from it and I don't see any grimoires.... not even one!!! Everything there seemed nothing like the Clover. 

"Slow down." I ordered with a frown at Yami. Since I do want to know more about Yami's hometown not only the places he wanted to show me. "Right'o, Prickly princess, just so y'know, there really aren't much to see here." "We should still slow down to have a look everywhere." I demanded, then whispered to his ears,"We should also try to attract less attention. Our look causes enough attention." 

"Ya. Right." Yami muttered,"Fine, but hey, I still need my lunch." He chuckled. "W-well. you shouldn't ask me, just get it yourself, brute. This is you hometown, not mine." I replied as a blush crept onto my face, I really couldn't stand the fact that we are walking together. 

I looked sideways, so that Yami wouldn't see my crimson blush quickly creeping up me cheeks. 

Then I spotted a lot of people staring at us, in horror? I do understand the part that we are attracting attention, but why would they be scared of us? I knitted my eyebrows with the thought. 

"Oi! What are you two doing here? You two are suppose to be waiting for me at my place!" A man suddenly said while he approached us, I reflectively almost took my slant, then Yami suddenly stopped me with his hands placed on mine, he whispered to me,"Chill, Prickly princess." Then he beamed brightly (which was a very rare sight) while he waved at the man,"Hey! Long time no see, Ryu! Thanks for finding us." I quickly nodded at the sight, as I pretend to be nice? I don't exactly think that they know each other.... uh- Right?!? Soon after the other people around the area seemed to have relaxed, and not afraid of our presences anymore.

"Welcome you two, come this way!" The man told us with his calming smile, gestured us to follow him. Yami quickly follow him and held my wrist (again!), and grinned at me,"Let's go, prickly princess." I just nodded with embarrassment, whispered hesitantly,"I-I know, b-brute." But in reality I didn't know if I should go or not, I mean I don't even know that person, but I-I guess I should believe in Yami... Right? 

The man has an eye patch one of the eye, with the other eye being grey, he have tied his hair up into a small ponytail, he wore a weird looking clothing, much like the ones everyone there was wearing. He was casually waving at the other citizens in the country who were smiling and waving back, greeting him. He seemed to be like the captains or the wizard king in the Clover, seemed to be loved by the citizens here. 

We all continued walking, then slowly progressed out way to a large house. "Why are you back?" He asked seriously, then whispered,"You're not supposed to, Yami." Yami answered while staring into the sky,"Don't ask me, I got randomly sent here."

I wanna get home!!! CharlottexYamiWhere stories live. Discover now