Debbie looked at her with big, questioning eyes. "Today?"

"Yeah. We'll eat breakfast and then we'll pack an overnight bag. And tonight, we'll have an excellent meal in the middle of a vineyard." Lou put a plate of fresh fruit on the table, and took the omelets out of the oven. She set one in front of Debbie. "It's your favorite. Spinach and Brie."

Debbie felt a little bit overwhelmed, but she held it together and smiled. "I can't believe you cooked for me."

"Don't get used to it," Lou said with a wink. She picked up her fork and took a bite. A surprise moan escaped her mouth. "Not bad!"

Debbie took a small bite. "It's wonderful. You're wonderful."

Lou picked up her coffee cup and grinned behind it. "So, you're in?"

Forget the fan mail. Forget their pending breakup. Forget everything else. Debbie only wanted to be with Lou - for as long as she could have her. "Yeah. I'm in."


Debbie stepped out of the guesthouse looking as gorgeous as ever with her hair pulled back into a ponytail and her dark sunglasses on. She was wearing a low-cut white gypsy blouse with a denim mini-skirt and wedge heels.

Lou's breath caught when she saw her. "You look beautiful."

Lou leaned in for a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, honey. So do you."

While Debbie was showering, she'd decided she wouldn't hide her feelings anymore. If she wanted to kiss Lou, she would. If she wanted to call her honey or another pet name, she would. She'd just be herself and whatever came of it - or whatever didn't come of it - she'd have to be okay with.

Life was too short, even if you were being paid to pretend.


On the small, private plane, Debbie buckled her seat belt and immediately reached for Lou's hand. She brought it to her mouth and kissed it. "I adore you for doing this for me."

"I couldn't leave you all alone out in that guesthouse. And this trip is for both of us. A change of scenery." Lou mimicked Debbie's action, taking their joined hands to her mouth and gently kissing Debbie's. "And if you still need to shed a few tears, it's okay."

Debbie leaned in and relaxed, resting her head against Lou's shoulder. "I love you." She closed her eyes, not caring what the reaction would be.

Lou urged Debbie's head up and put a small pillow under it. "Just rest now. I'll wake you when we get there." Once Debbie was asleep, she snapped a quick photo.


Lou stared at the selfie she'd taken of the two of them. Lacey looked content and relaxed and beautiful sleeping on her shoulder. What surprised Quinn even more, was how content she herself looked. Her blue eyes had a sparkle to them and her smile seemed so genuine. She looked happy in a way that she'd never seen in photos of herself before.

She gently kissed Debbie's head, being careful not to wake her up. You're the reason.

Lou decided to send the photo to her mom - something she really never did - with a message.

Taking her to Napa. We both need the break.

It didn't take long to get a reply.

Oh, what an adorable photo. Thank you for telling me, darling.

Have a wonderful time!

Lou smiled at the reply and then decided to tweet the photo as well, with the following message-

Casting DebbieWhere stories live. Discover now