Let's Get To Know Each Other

Start from the beginning

Jennie's eyes were wide. "You...you aren't interested in me anymore?"

Jisoo frowned. That's the part she's fixated on? "Look Jennie...you're probably an amazing girl to someone else but I don't feel anything for you anymore. So how about we leave this as it is. You obviously don't want me pursuing you and I think it's pointless to try...so let's just be..." Jisoo shrugged "friends until we can get you to the airport."

Jennie looked curiously at her. "Friends?"

The raven sighed and nodded. "Don't worry. We don't have to be in each other's company more than that. Let's just get along amicably until then. Cool?"

The brunette looked like she wanted to say something before nodding slowly.

Jisoo gave her 2 thumbs up. "Ok, let's go wash our faces and start!"


After they managed to find a clean (enough) pond to clean their faces, they asked for directions at a small café.

The woman just widened her eyes. "You're planning on walking there? Are you sure?"

Jennie gave Jisoo a look but the raven just smiled tightly.

"Haha. You see it was my..." she turned to Jennie and wrapped an arm around her shoulders "girlfriend's idea. We are planning on spending a lot of" she squeezed Jennie into her side "quality time together."

The waitress covered her cheeks in her hands. "OMG! You guys are so cute! You make a great couple! Totally visual!"

Jennie smiled weakly and stared at Jisoo as she tightened her hold on the brunette.

The waitress put a order of coffee for both of them and offered them a change of clothes but Jisoo politely declined even though she insisted that Jennie change out of her formal party wear. Luckily, she was able to fit into the white T-shirt and loose jeans she was given.

She smiled at Jisoo who stared for a moment before saying, "We need to start going." She politely said thank you before turning and walking out of the café.

Jennie bowed and quickly followed Jisoo who was already about 50 feet away.

She ran and caught up with Jisoo who was holding her hand above her eyes to block out the sun.

"What?" Jennie asked.

"I'm thinking if we should go down the path which could possibly take longer...or..." she turned to the path into a forest "we can take this risky shortcut and get there before nightfall."

Jisoo raised an eyebrow at her. "Your choice, Jendeuk."

Jennie glared at the nickname but thought about it. Taking the road would be easy and brisk but would most definitely take them a long time. On the other hand Jisoo seemed to know what she was doing.

"Let's take the shortcut. I...I trust you."

Jisoo blinked at her. "You do?"

Jennie nodded confidently. "I do. So let's go." She waved her hand into the forest and Jisoo grinned before leading the way.


Jisoo had been lying when she said she didn't feel anything for Jennie.

She very much felt something that wasn't friendly in the least.

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