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What if Hermione was pregnant with Scorpius

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What if Hermione was pregnant with Scorpius.

August 11th, 1998

Mmm," Hermione moaned as she dips a piece of apple in honey.

Are you ok mione, " Ron asked as he looked at her.

Just hungry that's all ," Hermione said with a smile as she eats another piece of the apple.

Isn't that malfoy's green apple ," Harry asked.

Yeah, I took it," Hermione smiled.

Who the hell took my apple," They heard malfoy yell.

Mione has it ," Ron said with a sly smile .

Dude. What the hell," Harry sighed as he smack him.

Bye Mione ," Ron said before he grabbed harry.

Idiots," She mumbled.

So. You are the one that took my apple huh ," Malfoy said as he glared at her.

Sorry, " Hermione said with a sad smile.

I'm not mad. I was just wondering where it went," Malfoy said as he grinned at her.

Your son was craving it with honey," Hermione said as she smiled at him.

It's sound like his mother wanted it more," Malfoy said as he grinned at her.

Yeah I did," Hermione said with a smile as she eats another piece of the apple.

Malfoy looked around before he sits down by her.

Your son is kicking the crap out of my ribs," Hermione sighed as she rubs where he kicked at.

Malfoy glance at her before he moved his hand to her stomach .

Soon as he lays his hand on her stomach, their son stop kicking.

Thank you," Hermione said with a sly smile as she lay her head on his shoulder.

You're welcome ," Malfoy said as he gave her a shy smile.

Few Hours Later.

Hermione wasn't in her room ," Ron whispered as they walked the halls.

Maps say that she with malfoy right now in slytherin common room," Harry sighed.

Why she is there," Ron asked.

I don't know. Malfoy is always nice to her now and it's weird," Harry mumbled.

You are telling me. She ate his apple and he didn't even get mad at her," Ron sighed.

Pureblood ," Harry told the painting .

How did you know the password," Ron asked.

I heard malfoy say it before," Harry told him before he tiptoes around the room quietly.

What the hell ," Ron mumbled as he looked at both draco and hermione holding each other while sleeping.

This is weird ," Harry mumbled.

You are telling me ," Ron sighed as he continued to watch them.

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