Chapter 16

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"I can't believe you're leaving me!" Mila says  to Vic as they say their goodbyes.

Victoria is officially moving in with Austin today.

"I know! I wasnt even here that long." Vic replies.

"I know it's what will be easiest for you, Austin, and baby, but I'm sure going to miss you!"

"I'm going to miss you too! But you know I'll be back to visit at least once a week, and you can always come to the house. I'm sure Aus won't mind."


"Yeah, it's a little nickname I gave him. He likes it."

"Oh." Mila made a suggestive expression.

"Mila, you know it's not like that. I'm with Ash."

"I know, I know. I'm just messin with ya."

Austin comes out of the apartment building with the last of Victoria's stuff. "This is the last of it." he says putting the box into the moving van. "I'll meet you at the house, okay?"

"Perfect. I'll be right behind you." Vic says to him. "Well, I guess this is goodbye for now. I'll see you soon." she says to Mila, giving her a big hug.

"Of course. I'll see you soon. Bye!"

And with that, they parted ways and Victoria got into her car & went to Austin's place.

Once they were all the house, Austin directed the movers where to put the furniture.

Ashton had met them at the house to help bring in the boxes. Vic was about to grab a box, but Austin stopped her.

"Hey, hey. Me and...Ashton got this. I don't need you picking up any heavy boxes. I told you that at the apartment." he says.

"I can take the lighter boxes with my clothes. I'll be fine." Vic responds.

"No, no. You just go tell the guys where to place your furniture & start unpacking. Don't want you hurting yourself."

"Alright, alright."

Victoria goes in the house and goes upstairs to her new bedroom. A smile forms on her place, seeing Austin painted it the perfect plum color she had picked out with a white trim.

She directed the moving guys to put the bed up against the main wall, her desk in front of the window, her dresser across from her bed with her TV on top, and of course her nightstands on either side of the bed.

Austin & Ash finished bringing in the boxes, and Vic started to unpack with Ashton's help, as Austin was in the kitchen getting lunch made.

"Ash, are you sure you're okay with me moving here with Austin?" Vic asks him.

"Yeah, I told you a hundred times, babe. I'm totally fine with this. I know it's going to be easiest." Ash responds.

"Okay. I just don't want you upset about anything."

"I'm not, I promise."


Back in the kitchen, Austin was finishing up lunch, which was caesar salads with grilled chicken that he grilled himself. 

On his way to Victoria's bedroom, he notices a journal sitting on floor.

With a puzzled look on his face, he picks it up and opens it to a page and reads...

"I can't believe how amazing Austin has been. He's so sweet, and kind, and cute, god is he cute. And sexy. I know I haven't known him long, but I think I'm falling in love. Tomorrow is the cast party for the movie and I'm going as his date. I can't fucking wait!"

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