chapter 3

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Third person P.O.V
The next morning Ryu woke up with a start. Sweat was dripping down her scared features as her chest rose and fell rapidly, her heart began to throb in her chest drowning out the sound of birds that had been chirping due to it being only 6 in the morning. As she began to calm herself her mind began to wonder to the events that took place just a few hours ago. "I overreacted," she thought"I don't know what I expected him to do call off his engagement?" She began to explore the different outcomes of her argument if she had not been so impulsive. Noticing her mind had started to wonder she quickly got out of bed and began to get dressed. "Just because me and kyro had an argument doesn't mean I get to skip work, I'm still his servant and I need to continue my role as such." She thought as dressed herself in her uniform. It's consisted of red pants with brown leather knee length boots, a red undershirt with black elbow length, gold-lined cuffs, a black sleeveless gold-lined jacket that reached her mid thigh and a red, wide sash tied around her waist.

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When she had finished dressing she quickly tidied her room and went out the door.
Walking down the corridor her mind began to wonder, she was lulled out by the small crowd of solders on the training ground. Silently she made her way towards them. Seeing as Noone had noticed her as yet she took in a deep breath and yelled "attention!" Seeing them scramble into a line like headless chickens was amusing to the comander. Once they had arranged themselves into two even lines she could immediately point out the reason for the commotion caused earlier. In the middle of the two lines stood a tall, tanned and muscular man. He had the typical brown hair and eyes with brown trousers but what stood out was the blue ribbon tied around his head. He was holding one of the red training sticks (IDK what they're called). Ignoring him she turned to the soilders and said in a loud voice "First Captian step forward" and as she had commanded the first Captin stepped forward and stood at attention, even though the male was alot taller than his commander that didn't make any less intimidated, stalking up to the man like a wolf stalking it's pray she eyed him up and down before stoping in front of him and asking "what happened here Captin?" Her voice dangerously low, the man began to explain that he had come her this morning wishing to spar with the other soilders, taking it as a joke they agreed but underestimated him greatly and no one was able to lay a hand on him. "Hmmm, interesting" she said with a hint of mischief in her eyes. She approached him and asked "what's your name,boy" taking his sweet little time, he slowly turned around and replied "are you next," quickly one of the soilders shot up to "defend" you but was silenced when you raised your hand "I asked you a question blue blood," she retorted with venom dripping from her voice like honey making a shiver run down their spines. He paid it no mind and again asked "" with just as much venom she had laced her words with, with a smirk she slowly approached him taking one of the training rodes from one of the soilders and said with an evident smirk and said "yes, I'm next." As he began to get into a battle stance she analysed him and pinpointed all his weak points. Before they began she had only one thought

                 'This is going to be...

Another chapter yay!!!!
I'm so so so so so sorry that this took so long to finish.
I've been dealing with some personal problems during quarantine and I may have neglected this story.
Again I'm so sorry I hope that you enjoy it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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