misc | sorry the old augustine can't come to the phone rn

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from Jaybird

... are you home?

🧍‍♀️ why are you asking
me this jay?

answer the damn question
are you home?

what if I said no.

I'd know you're lying.

why are you outside of
my apartment Jason

I need to hide out somewhere

wtf did you do?

Bruce is mad pls :( let me in
Im scared

I feel like I shouldn't let you in.

Pls 🥹

If Bruce yells at me I'm
going to kill you myself

I'd rather it be you that takes
me out than anyone else 🫡
read 2:14 A.M.

THIS SIGHT WASN'T ANYTHING NEW TO HER — Augustine had grown quite used to seeing the six foot four man climb through her apartment window. She leaned against the door frame with a raised brow, her sweatpants and tank top signifying she was getting ready for bed. He looked over at her with a smile, throwing up a peace sign in a casual manner to say hello to her. Narrowing her eyes, Augustine took in his abnormal appearance. She half expected him to clamor into her apartment wearing his helmet and gear. The shiny red metal was something she knew like the back of her hand. That wasn't the suit he was wearing though. Perhaps that should have been her first sign as to what Bruce was angry about. Maybe it was Damian that was the angriest out of them all — Jason was wearing a cheap knock off of his Robin suit. Moving off of the door frame, Augustine couldn't tear her eyes away from the lime green on the suit. He threw her a smirk, trying to get her to ignore the suit in it's entirety, "So, uh, the normal suit in with the dry cleaners still?"

Jason looked down at the poorly made Robin costume with a huff, "This old thing? Nah, saw it in a Halloween store downtown and figured it would make the old man angry."

"And did it?"

Jason tilted his head, "What do you think?"

"I think your wish of me killing you might come true tonight," Augustine glared, a joking cadence to her voice.

Following her as she walked into the kitchen, Jason leaned against the counter, "Figured you would have been knocked out by now, you were on for what? Thirty hours?"

A sigh fell from her lips, Jason took that as an indication that he was right about the last question. And when he heard her phone go off in the bedroom, a notification that he knew was given to only one person on her phone, he figured out the rest. It hadn't been his first time, hell it wasn't even his third time, coming into her apartment while she was in the middle of a fight (not that she called it that, she refused to say it was anything other than a difference in opinions) (Jason knew better than that, it was a fight and he was sure she just didn't want to talk about why it was happening) (he was also pretty ducking sure it had something to do with his brother but, he wasn't saying anything) with Roy. Augustine poured some more water into her electric kettle before turning it on. Opening up the cabinet door, she turned to him with a lifted brow, a silent question that he silently answered with a nod. Her phone chimed again, her eyes rolling at the noise, Jason couldn't help himself when he spoke up, "Do you want me to grab your phone for you?"

Augustine leaned back onto the counter in a similar manner as Jason, shaking her head. "No, not really. I don't feel like having to fight again."

"I know it's not any of my business," Jason trailed, looking over to Augustine with raised brows.

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