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It was 5:16 am when I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

"Tf? It's not even 6:00 yet. Why is the alarm-"

I stopped midway when I found out that I got a message from Fourth.

(2 hours later)

"My timer! Today's the day!" Fourth squeals in a mix of horror and excitement.

"Gem! What should I do?"

"Calm down. Most people try to ignore theirs as best as they could. Write over it with a marker or wear long sleeves like I do. A little peek every now and then wouldn't be bad," I reply.

"You're bound to meet her of course, so there's no way around it. Weren't you excited a year ago to find the one though?" I ask him.

"But what if she don't likes me? What if she's picky? What if the clock is wrong? I've never even had a girlf-"

"Stop it. I'm sure you'll be fine. If there's anything about you, you're hopeful. I'm sure she's aching to meet you. Heck, what if you've already met her? My Dad's counter went to zero years after finally deciding on my mom. These timers don't turn at the same time as your soulmate's after all."

"Hmm, well I do like everyone. But I'm scared. I'm not good with strangers or handling a conversation with someone I just met!"

I took his hand and looked him in the eyes.
"Fourth, no matter what happens, you and I will always be friends. Is it alright if I see your timer?"

Fourth shuddered and he took off his wrist watch, revealing the Soulmate timer underneath.

08 hours 05 minutes 09 seconds remaining

"3:22 in the afternoon until I see her. I'm nervous," Fourth said.

00 years 00 days 08 hours 03 minutes 02 seconds remaining

Fourth and I were standing outside a Music Lab just down the block. A sign by door says "You can play any instrument that you want to play."


"It's okay. It's not exactly romantic, but the sound of music always soothes me. There's a cafe inside, too. I was thinking..."

"Alright. I'll wait with you. But I'll leave when you two meet, alright? You'll be okay. You always are."

This is it. Fourth and I have been friends for almost 3 years now and he has been looking forward to this day. It's a rush of a feeling to know who it is you're going to end up with.

Anticipation? Nervousness? Excitement? Uncertainty?

His face was screaming with emotions and all this would go away in a minute and three seconds. We went inside and there were a lot of people enjoying music.

"I better go. You seem tensed. I'll be outside watching from the glass windows if you need me." I smile as I gave him a thumbs up and a silly grin.

"Just 30 seconds now. You can do it."

He looked at me one more time before I left him. He's picking up a guitar, strumming a few chords and starting singing "City." I sighed and thought to myself,

"Maybe I should go back inside. Maybe if-"

My train of thoughts interrupted. Holding a camera, a short girl stood just outside the window pane of the shop. She seems to be on her phone but she stopped to look at Fourth who's holding a guitar. He was at the corner of room, singing peacefully.

10 seconds
This could be it.

08 seconds
She went inside. Fourth continued singing waiting for his soulmate to arrive so they'll finally meet.

06 seconds
She looked for a same guitar Fourth was playing. Fourth sensed it that she's looking for a same guitar he was playing.

04 seconds
The music lab manager points to Fourth with the guitar. It was raining outside now.

03 seconds
She looked at him with a soft smile on her face. Fourth, confused to the events around him.

02 seconds
She's walking to him now.

01 second
Fourth saw her and stood up. She pointed to the guitar he played. She showed him the timer on her wrist and he showed him her with an awkward smile on his face.

They're both zero. They're soulmates.

They smiled at each other as they sat. I couldn't hear what they're talking about but I was sure Fourth got the last model of that guitar. I turned around and took my leave. The rain was getting stronger. When I was finally out of sight, I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Suddenly, I was crying. Hot tears were dropping down my cheeks. I pulled up my sleeve and looked at my wrist, scratching at it. Trying to get rid of it. Trying to let go of it.

The numbers have never changed.

They've always been at 0.

...ever since I met Fourth.

GEMINIFOURTH/TINNGUN SHORT STORIES Where stories live. Discover now