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Gem's POV



"What?", Fourth coldly asked.

"Are we okay?"

Fourth didn't answer. I know something is wrong.

"Please answer me."

Fourth didn't answer again. He just stared at me blankly for a few seconds then scrolled through his phone.

He's been cold to me for almost 3 days already. He stopped talking to me like before. It felt like we're back to being strangers who met their co-actor for the first time. He's giving me cold shoulders and blank eyes when talking to me.

"Stop ignoring me. Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"I am not ignoring you." Fourth replied.

"Yes, you are. You are literally ignoring me and giving me cold shoulders. Are we okay? Please tell me." I begged.

Fourth just stayed silent. I can't take this anymore. I am really worried. I don't even understand why is he being like this.

"Fourth. Please." I begged again.

I don't like him being like this towards me. It hurts. It's like I'm slowly losing a friend. It feels like I'm slowly losing him. I don't want that to happen.

"What?" Fourth asked again coldly.

"I don't understand why are you being like this offcam. You've been consistent in flirting with me during shows and interviews. Then after the shows, you're giving me this."

"Giving you what?" Fourth asked.

"Giving me cold treatment. It's like I never existed to you when there are no cameras around." I replied.

"Then, let's stay that way. I don't want to confuse you." Fourth replied.

"What? I don't understand." I asked.

"Let us stay that way. I'm being flirty with you oncam and that's for the fans. I don't want you to feel awkward towards me after doing those stuffs." Fourth replied.

"You don't want me to feel awkward to you after being flirted, so you're being cold to me then?" I asked.

"That is so much better. You won't be confused. We are actors. I don't want you to misinterpret my actions. I'm just doing this for them. Let us just do whatever the fans want us to do," he replied.

That hurts. I thought he's being flirty with me on cam because he likes to annoy me. Now, he just said that he's doing those stuffs for the fans. He has never been like this.

I still don't understand. I am so confused right now. We're literally friends for years already. I don't want us to end up like this, being just co-actors and nothing more.

"I still don't understand. If that's what you want, then please give me some time to think. I don't want us to end up like this. I don't want you to give me cold treatment. Let's stay friends, please?" I almost begged.

"Okay." He replied.

After a few minutes...

"It's already late. I'll drive you home like the usual." I offered.

"No, it's fine. I'm staying over tonight at P'Prom's condo nearby. I already told him. You can go home now." He replied.

That hit me. He has never rejected my offer of driving him home, but now he did. Now, I wouldn't get the chance to talk with him in the car because he just rejected my offer.

I felt defeated.

"Okay, then. Please take care. Good night Fourth."

"Hm. You too." He replied.

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