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An abandoned city.
Rubble, debris, decaying.
The smell of burning.
A deep and scary red sky, haunted by strewn, black clouds.
My hands are burning. Raging, even.
Behind me, corpses. Mountains of them
What have I done?

I woke up with a shock, grasping my chest, the same as usual after I had nightmares. But they were getting fucking intense lately.

"Wow, slow down, kid," Nanami said quietly, he was sitting on a waiting room chair beside me.

You're here. You're okay. You're present.
You're here. You're okay. You're present.
You're here. You're okay. You're present.

"Sorry," I said, closing my eyes and letting go of my grip on my chest, "Nightmare."

He looked at me with a concerned look, but paid it no mind, "I'm going to get Shoko in to check on you."

I nodded and waited for the medic to come in. I'd rarely been in the recovery room, considering I could heal myself, so I thought to myself, I must've been hit pretty hard for me to be in here for...

I looked around for any indication of the date and time.

3 days?!

"Fuck!" I shouted out loud, going to stand up.

"Oi, Nanami told you to slow down, yes?" came a feminine voice from the doorway, Nanami close behind.

"Sorry," I said, startled as I sat back down into the bed, "I've been out for three days?"

"Sure have, kid," she laughed, "You must've needed the rest."

I looked at her wide eyed, everything just suddenly coming back to me, "Is Megumi okay?!" I asked frantically.

She continued to giggle at me, which I didn't appreciate by the way, "Yes. He's fine. Thanks to you, of course."

"Huh? Oh, you mean the injury thing?"

"Mhm," she nodded as she checked off things on a clipboard, "You're going to put me out of business very quickly if you keep performing like this."

"I don't think that would be possible," I said back, "I'm glad he's okay."

She looked up from her board, tired and sunken eyes looking me up and down. "Yep. Well, you have some visitors, you up for it?"

I agreed and she left the room, leaving me with my own thoughts for a minute. The solitude was very short lived however, as Yuuji and Nobara burst in the door like a pack of wild animals.

"Ayane!" Yuuji practically yelled.

"Oh my god, Ayane! Our precious angel, you're alive!" Nobara shouted obnoxiously and flailed on top of the bed and onto me.

I couldn't help but smile at them, being their stupid selves, "Still here."

"Idiots, don't lean on her. You might hurt her. You okay?" Megumi asked in a concerned tone, his face full of worry.

"Yeah, it's okay," I smiled, "I'm fine."

"Good. Scared the shit outta me," he said under his breath and came and sat on the seat that Nanami was previously in, Yuuji and Nobara by my bedside.

"Megumi said you saved him like a knight in shining armour," Nobara giggled, "Is it true? Was he really the damsel?"

I snickered, "I don't think it went quite like that. I don't even remember how I got here."

"He said you lit up the building! Like, on fire!" Yuuji exclaimed, "With your hands! Why didn't you tell us you could do that before?!"

I went sheet white at the memory, feeling like I was gonna puke.

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