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Chapter 3: Kayce Returns

Your POV

I leaned up against the railing of the porch. I was looking out upon the ranch when I saw a old and dirty truck pulled up the driveway. I recognized immediately who the man was who stepped out the drivers side.


"Been awhile since I've seen you, (Y/n)."

I couldn't help but smile at my brother. I still loved him. No matter how long he stayed away. He's still my big brother. I had always been closer to him. Before I could stop myself I brought Kayce into a tight hug. I haven't gotten a big brother hug since before Lee died.

For some odd reason, Lee's hugs always felt different than Kayce's hugs. Lee's felt more protective but in a comforting way. Like a hug that would say "I'll always protect you."

Kayce's hugs on the other hand felt like they always had. Warm like the fur of a bear and as comforting as a flowing river. But neither of their hugs could ever surpass Beth's hugs. Beth's- explaining what Beth's hugs feel like is a little more complicated.

Kayce let go of me and put his hand onto my shoulders. Though, there was something in his eyes that I hadn't noticed until now. He had a somewhat haunted look in his eyes. As if he had seen some things that no man should. Makes sense, the man was a navy seal stationed in Afghanistan.

Then I noticed a woman and a young boy step out of the vehicle. I remember seeing the woman before. I believe her name was Monica... yeah that's right. Though, I don't know who the young boy is.

As if sensing my confusion, Kayce wrapped a hand around his wife. "You remember Monica, I suppose? This is our son, Tate. Tate, this is your aunt, (Y/n)."

I smiled and took my hat off and put it onto his head. "Well hello there, Tate." The young boy gave me a toothy grin. He looked up at his mother and father before running towards me and hugged me. Kayce tensed a little bit when his son hugged me, which seemed to confused his poor wife. A look of relief washed over his face when I returned the child's hug.

I had always despised children but something about this kid made my heart melt. Which rarely ever happened which I guess that's why Kayce had this nervous look on his face. Monica, of course, looked confused as to why Kayce was so nervous before.

Once he let go he turned back to his parents and walked towards them. Monica stopped him after she had noticed he was still wearing my hat.

"Tate! Give her the hat back!"

"Oh no, he can keep it. I have plenty of others! Count it as your first hat!"

"You're sure, auntie?"

I smiled and nodded at the boy, putting my hand on top his head before walking towards the stable. "Anyway I've got some work to do!"

Time skip

"Don't worry, Monica. I've got him! He won't fall or get hurt!" I say to the worried woman. She seemed to relax when I said that. "I trust you."

I smiled at her before riding off with Tate. The young boy was appalled to say the very least the very least. He hadn't gotten to ride his horse yet so actually being able to ride a horse must have been hell of an experience.

I remember riding a horse for the first time. At first, I was horrified but I saw the boys do it all the time so I put that fear behind me. Unlike Beth who will never ride a horse again. Not that I blame her. I continued to ride because I knew that's what our mother would want of me.

Beth had always been afraid of riding horses but after our mother died it got worse. Yet again I don't blame her for never wanting to ride a horse. The last time she rode a horse our mother had died.

I was snapped out of thought by the young boy asking me if he could try to use my lasso to wrangle the calf running ahead. I couldn't resist so I gave him the lasso and instructed him along the way.

Every time he would look over his shoulder to ask if he was doing it right he was met with a nod of approval. This kid was a natural at this! I barely had to correct him.

He reminds me so much of his father, it's not even funny. He's exactly like his father when he was growing up. Believe it or not Kayce sought out approval from our father growing up. Now not so much. He had grown out of that. I wonder how long it will take for Tate to grow out of it.

The young boy launched the rope at the calf, surprised when the rope had landed around its neck. Eventually the young calf was near enough to the horse that Tate could remove the rope from its neck. We then led it back to the rest of the cattle.

Rip had been watching the both of us carefully.  I was sure that I'd have to explain how the kid did that without being shown. The look on his face said it all. I've become really good at reading people's faces (especially in poker). 

A/n: Just a reminder that this does not line up or correlate to the show. There are some events out of order or not mentioned in the story. That's for a purpose. So here's your reminder. So yeah. I also posted this at work. lol.

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