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Chapter 1: Takes Some Convincin'

Your POV

As much as I love my older sister, Beth. She gets on my nerves when she suggests that I tell our father that I'm a little on the fruity side. I know that's not gonna end well.

"You have to come out to daddy at some point. Why not now?"

There she goes again with the crap. It's getting tedious. Though, I understand why she wants me to tell him. I rolled my eyes and took the bottle of whiskey from her and drank it, standing up and leaning against the railing.

"You have to tell him eventually."

She was right as much as I hate to admit it. She's always right. I had to think of a reply and quickly.

"The day I do that you best plan my funeral and dig my grave."

This seemed to irritate her because she crossed her arms and glared at me. The famous Beth Dutton glare. Of course, it may work on everyone else but not me. To me it just my big sister trying to intimidate me and I don't get intimidated.

"You're always so stubborn, (Y/n)..."

"I'd rather be stubborn than have my own father loath me for who I am..."

Beth rolled her eyes and looked out onto the ranch. Our father riding on his horse with the boys following behind could be seen far out.

"What will it take to convince you?"

"If you could somehow convince me that daddy would accept me then maybe I'll come out."

Beth smirked at me and place her hand on my back. "Prepare to come out, little sister" Without another word Beth had walked back inside the house.

I knew she was formulating a plan; I could see the wheels turning in her head as she walked into the house. What was she it she was planning? Well, I wouldn't know until she carried out with her plan. One part of me was terrified the other part... I don't know what was going on with it. I just know I best be ready for what my older sister has planned.

Time skip

I made my way downstairs to get something for the headache I had but when I did I found Beth. Talking to our father. Usually I don't eavesdrop but this time it seemed like Beth wanted me too.

The look she gave me said it all. I walked into the next room and closed the door. I could still hear what they were saying.

"Daddy, what do you think about the gay community?"

That's why she wanted me to eavesdrop. She's clever... got to give her that.

My father stayed quiet but I could tell he was trying to figure out why Beth was asking such a question.

"They're people. Like you and me. Trying to live their life the way any normal person should. There's nothing wrong with them. Why do you ask?"

I heard Beth take a deep breath before she spoke. I had no idea what her answer would be but it kinda scared me.

"I have a better question what of it were one of your own children?"

Beth! Please do not do that!

"Why should it matter who my children love? My children are my children. My flesh and blood."

Jamie isn't.


"So I don't care if one of my children turns out gay. Now why did you ask?"

For some reason, I had an odd sense that Beth had been looking at the door. Our father had seemed to get the hint.

"(Y/n)? You can come out now."

Why do I feel like there's so twisted joke there?

I opened the door to room and walked into the living room. Both Beth and my father's eyes on me. Beth urged me to tell father, gesturing with her hand to do so.

"I know why she asked, daddy..."

He gave me a curious look but stayed quiet, letting me speak. I took a deep breath and looked to Beth. I hate to admit it but this was what scared me. Beth gave me a thumbs up. She's a real help, isn't she?

A/n: I'm back bitches! Also I swear if I see one comment using the word 'daddy' in anyway than how it's used here I promise I will kill all of you. You nasty fucks! *grabs a chainsaw* Its not a threat, it's a promise!

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