His Wildest Dream

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(Third Person POV)

They were back in the ballroom again, alone. The stranger held him close again and moved in sync with him like it had before. Its grip on him still strong, it swayed SMG4 along with him. 4 rested his head on the stranger's chest, feeling it move slowly up and down. It inexplicably made him feel at peace, safe in their arms.

Warm and silent. Comforting and quiet. 4 loved it like that.

Gently, it swayed him again, the red eyes looking down into his. They were beautiful, hypnotic almost.

Suddenly, they stopped in the center like they had before. Moonlight shone down through the window dome above them, giving dreamy light to the many tinted colors of the glass. It highlighted them both perfectly.

Before 4 started to say anything, the figure reached for its mask and started to pull it off. 4 watched in anticipation.

It was familiar.

So familiar..

And once the mask came off, it was...


It screamed at him.



SMG4 jolted awake and looked around. "Ack! Wuh-huh?!"

"SMG4! Finally, you're up! You were asleep for the whole ride here. Which was unfortunate, I had a lot of fun driving!" Mario smiled and slapped him on the shoulder. This made 4 a bit concerned, but since nothing was on fire, he shrugged it off.

"I- uh- sorry.. I guessed I dozed off.." 4 felt his own face. It was hot with blush.

"Oh you guess? For the first few minutes, you were just staring out the side window and smiling. I was literally screaming at you, but you were so out of it."

Ah. Right. He did do that.

4 never straight up told anyone since the dance, even if it was painfully obvious, but the fact was he was completely lovesick. It felt hard to do basic things sometimes. Trying to eat, sleep, or even make videos felt impossible when he daydreamed about.. them. Their dreamy eyes, their soft voice, their breathing..

their lips..

4 was smacked right across his face.


"See?! You're doing it again!"

"Sorry. Um.." 4 looked around. "Where are we again?"

"The construction site! You're somehow being dumber than me today, and as the official dumbass, I take offense to that." Mario gave him a joking side-eye before hopping out of 4's RV.

4 sighed and rubbed his eyes. Right, they were going to start reconstruction of the castle today. All his friends were outside, carrying materials. As much as 4 wanted to drift back to that dream, he sat himself up straight and got out of the RV with the castle blueprints.

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