Just Hold My Hand

Start from the beginning

The sound of rock music from her phone snaps her out of her thoughts. She curse's pulling out her phone seeing notification of text from Bob, asking her if she is busy, she smirks replying  to him. 

"What's got you smiling?" Maverick asks her, she stammer's for a moment looking up at him. "Nothing." Her cheeks turned red as she put her phone back into her pocket 

"Her new boyfriend." Bradley speak up, she glares at the back of the blondes head, Maverick raises a brow at her bashfulness at her friend. "Dude." She exclaimed. 

"I told you that in confidence."  Brandy tells him, she can hear him chuckling, he looks between the both of them. "Who?" Maverick asks her, she sucks in air through her teeth. 

"Uh...you already know him." She informs him, his brow's knit as he looked at her, he smirks at he seems to realize. 

"Bob?" Her heart dropped to her stomach as the color left her face, she looks up at him with wide eyes. He chuckles lightly at her reaction, Holy shit how did he know, she asks herself looking up at the older man. 

"How did you know?" She asks him, he shrugs his shoulders. "Good guess." He tells her, she shakes her head as he turns around turning his attention to the plane engine in front of him. 

Brandy looked outside to the airfield, she furrows her brows seeing someone standing by an old silver car. She smiles as she recognized who the women is. Maverick looked through the slot of the plane seeing a teen girl with blonde hair admiring the air hanger. She turns meeting his eye's smirking, she turns her head looking outside. Brandy turns her head watching as Maverick walks outside, he stands in front of the women. Both pilots look to each then back at the couple, smiling as he kisses her. 


She tightens her plaid shirt around her waist, Penny and Maverick had left on a plane ride leaving her and Bradley at the hanger alone. She messes up her hair turning to see her friend looking at a trophy wall, with pictures of maverick and another man, she smiles fondly looking at her friend. 

"Hey!" Brandy speaks up, he turns around looking at her. She sighs walking over to him looking at the wall with him. She can see in his face that he was having a type of flashback looking at the memorabilia. 

"Getting nostalgic?" She wonders with a soft chuckle. He shrugs his shoulders as she turns to her. "Yeah I guess." 

"So listen I uh got to tell you something." Brandy say's with a serious tone, his brows furrowed in confusion, she crosses her arms feeling chills cover her arms. "Tomorrow is my last day in San Diego." She admits to him sadly. 

"You're going home already?" He wonder's, she nods her head, she didn't want to go home but she knows she can't stay. "So this is it huh?" 

"Your gonna go back home and i'm not gonna hear from you till we get called out on a mission again?" Bradley questions, she shakes her head, after she got home she had gotten busy with her life that she had fell out of touch with some of her crewmate, he was sadly one of them. 

"No not this time." She swears to him. 

"We almost died together that shit bonds for life." She remarks, he nods his head a laughing lightly. 

"Yeah you're not wrong." He tells her, she sigh stepping forward. "You know you could always visit Chicago, not on the southside of course but we can check out a white sox game." She suggests to him, he chuckles nodding his head. 

"Not a White Sox fan." He tells her, her jaw drops agape at his words. "Well then a Bulls game when it's in season." She laughs. 

"You stay good Bradshaw." She tells him, he nods his head at her statement. "And please try not to do anything too stupid with Maverick." She asks of him. 

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