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Aurora's mother once told her that every person has good in them, sometimes you just have to dig a little deeper.

Her and Dallas had been hanging out recently, and out of hesitation , she said yes to go the Curtis gang's house for dinner.

He picked her up in his black T-bird, the edges of the car scratched and tethered.

"Heya sweet cheeks" He said with a grin as she rolled her eyes pulling down her skirt.

"Dallas, how many times have I told you not to call me that, it's annoying and degrading".

"I know, I just like seeing you fired up" He snickers as he tries runs the engine on

She puffs out a sigh as she leans back into rough leather.

Dallas swerves and thrashes, having no regard for anything or anyone.

"Dallas slow down or I'm getting out of this car" Aurora exclaims as she gives him eyes of fury.

God, if looks could kill, he would be dead by now.

"Loosen up a bit, kid." He laughs and throws his head back when she snarls at him.

But Aurora can't help the blush that creeps upon cheeks.

His laugh

She loved his laugh.

He pulls into a gas station before we make our way to the Curtis house. Probably to see Soda and Steve.

"Ay Soda, man you have a pack of heaters?"

"Oh no Dallas, I ain't giving these to you for free again, you're gonna have to pay, we can't afford losing anymore money." He snaps

"Oh come on man, just this one last time."

"How many times do I have to tell-"

"Here" She hands him a five dollar bill, tired of the bickering.

"Thanks Aurora" he smiles at her then shoots Dallas a nasty glare.

"You don't have to save me, I can fight my own battles" he says annoyance in his tone.

"Oh trust me, I didn't do it for you, I was getting a headache from all the yapping."

But even she knew that wasn't true.

He rolled his eyes and hopped back into the drivers seat, closing the door and zooming them both off North.

"Dammit Dallas, slow down" she exclaimed holding on to the seat for support.

He just chuckled and drove faster.


When the finally made it the both stepped up to the porch.

She glared at him the whole walk up to the car, fixing her wind swept hair that looked like she had been through a hurricane.

Fucking Bastard

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