The Zodiacs Meet (Pt.3)

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Scorpio and Virgo had arrived early and were already in Dorm 12, Scorpio listening to music through her headphones on the couch and Virgo reading a book on the kitchen counter. When they both met each other, they barely spoke and went off to do their own things.

Meanwhile with the other zodiacs....

Aries had arrived at Zodiac High and went off to find the dorm. While he was walking, he was looking down at his phone and bumped into someone, which caused him to drop his phone. "Crap."

"Are you okay?" a soft voice asked. Aries looked up and saw two people looking at him. One was a girl with purple wavy hair, who had a worried expression on, and the other was a boy with light blueish hair. Aries had bumped into the boy and he was now looking at him, icey blue eyes staring into his soul, but his stare somehow felt casual.

Aries glared back at him and grabbed his phone, which had cracked a little. "Yeah I'm fine, whatever." The blue haired boy raised his eyebrow. "She was just being kind. You shouldn't respond so rudely."

Aries smirked and responded, "See if I care." The boy narrowed his eyes. "Let's go Pisces, let's not waste our time with this hot headed jerk."

Pisces brows furrowed and she crossed her arms. "Fine. Let's go then." Aries' expression changed quickly and anger showed on his face. "Says you, you blue haired freak."

"My name's Cancer, red head." Cancer turned around and headed towards the dorms, Pisces following him from behind. Aries had balled his fists and was about to say something when Pisces turned around and waved. "What the-" Aries thought.

3o minutes later....

Aries finally entered his dorm and saw that two girls were already there. Instead of saying hello he just mumbled, "Just hope you guys aren't as annoying as him." Virgo, who was sitting at the counter turned around to face Aries. "Well hello to you too. I'm Virgo. That's Scorpio on the couch."

Aries looked at them both and decided to walk over to Virgo. "Aries." he stated bluntly and looked around. "So, is it just us three or is there more people coming?"

Virgo was leaning on her hand and responded, "I recall hearing that there is 12 people per dorm, so plenty are missing still." Aries rubbed his head. "I guess living with 12 people isn't that bad." Then they both heard the door knob turn. Aries and Virgo turned around and Scorpio looked up.

The door opened and Cancer and Pisces were standing in the doorway. As soon as Cancer opened the door, he and Aries made eye contact. "You again!" Aries said loudly. "Lower your voice please." Virgo stated, raising her eyebrow, curious.

Cancer's expression stayed blank as he closed the door and said, "Oh hey again." Pisces, who was standing next to Cancer, looked around and her eyes landed on Scorpio, who was watching from afar. She softly smiled and walked towards her, bouncing a bit.

Virgo who was confused at what was happening, opened her mouth to say something when Aries suddenly grabbed her book. "Hey! Give me back my book." Without warning, Aries threw the book at Cancer. At that same moment, the door had opened again and there stood three of the zodiacs. Cancer swiftly got out of the way, which caused the book to go straight through the doorway.

"What the-"

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