The Zodiacs Meet (Pt.2)

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Aquarius had walked through the gates of Zodiac High and looked at the school in amazement. He was smiling and thought, "Wow! This place is huge!" He looked around, and started heading towards the doors that lead to the main building. 

Aqua walked through the doors and was greeted with a big crowd. "Great," he mumbled. He pushed through the crowd and made his way to the stand that was giving out dorm numbers.

"Hey there!" Aqua had to shout or else the people managing the stand wouldn't hear him. "Alex Right?" The lady looked up and handed him a key. "Here you go Alex! Have a great school year!" 

Aquarius grabbed the keys and and turned around. "Thanks!" He pushed through the crowd again and finally made it outside. "Finally some fresh-" Aquarius was cut off by someone else. "Air." 

Aquarius looked at the girl in surprise. He hadn't noticed that she was right next to him. "I know right?" 

The girl, who had a golden shade of yellow for her hair, turned to face Aqua. "I could barely breathe in there!" She gently flipped her loose golden hair behind her back. "I'm Libra. And you are?"

"Aquarius! Nice to meet you Libra!" 

"Same!" Libra looked around, studying everything around them. "Um, I don't really know where the dorms are and I was hoping you could help me?" She slightly smiled, embarrassed. 

Aquarius chuckled. "I would help you but I don't really know where the dorms are either." He looked around also quite embarrassed. Aqua's eyes then landed on a boy who was silently walking somewhere. "How about we ask him!" He pointed at the boy.

Libra looked at where Aquarius was pointing. "Sure! Why not?" They both ran over to the boy, Libra dragging her fancy pink suitcase and Aqua carrying a black backpack. It was a strange pairing. 

"Hey there!" Aqua shouted. "Can you tell us where the dorms are?" 

The boy nearly jumped, surprised. He had his hood on and turned around, his green eyes glaring at them. "Could you be anymore louder?" 

Libra put her hands on her waist and said, "Excuse you! We were just asking you a question!" 

He rolled his eyes and turned around again, continuing to walk.

"Hey don't ignore us!" Aqua said, catching up with him, his blue eyes glaring back at him.

"I'm heading to the dorms right now. Just follow me." he said quietly. 

Aqua looked back at Libra who was trying to catch up and shrugged. Libra shrugged back and caught up with them. "So, what's your name?" Libra asked.

He looked over at Libra. "I said that you could follow me. Not ask me questions." Libra looked back at him, her expression fierce. His eyes widened and he quickly said, "Uh- I'm Capricorn." He quickly looked away, blushing a bit.

Libra smiled. "Nice to meet you Capricorn! I'm Libra and he's Aquarius." 

Aquarius wondered what had just happened but shrugged it off. "So, what dorms are you guys in?" There was an earthy smell because it had just rained. A big rainbow had appeared in front of them and Libra was staring at it with wide eyes.

Libra looked down at her key and responded, "Dorm 12. How about you guys?"

"Same" Aquarius and Capricorn answered at the same time. 

Everyone looked at each other in surprise and Capricorn groaned. "Well that's just great!" he mumbled. Aquarius elbowed Capricorn and Libra rolled her eyes again and looked ahead. 



"Stop squabbling you two and look! I think we're here." Libra snapped. The three stopped in front of a silver building and walked inside. 

"Let's see here dorm 12...." Capricorn mumbled. The group found their dorm and Capricorn unlocked the door. When the door opened a voice shouted, "Watch out!" 

The three looked in surprise as a book came flying by, almost hitting Capricorns head. "What the-" he started.

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