The Zodiacs Meet (Pt. 1)

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(There is no main character. I will be switching between their point of views.)

No ones POV:  Gemini was walking to the bus stop with her umbrella open above her. It wasn't raining hard put she still didn't want to get wet. She had gotten a new jacket that wasn't water-proof. 

Today was the first day of school the new boarding school named Zodiac high and she was excited to meet new people. As she thought about it, she wasn't paying attention to where she was walking and crashed into someone. Gemini was sent backwards and slipped, her suitcase falling to the ground, and was about to fall herself when the person she crashed into grabbed her hand. 

"Are you okay?" said a voice. Gemini looked up and saw a brown-haired boy looking down at her. 

"Uh- y- yeah!" Gemini stuttered. 

The boy pulled her up. He said, "Watch where you're going next time. You could get hurt."

 Gemini's umbrella had also fallen to the ground and she was getting wet. She picked up her umbrella quickly and brushed herself off. "A lot of people tell me that. I should start listening to them." 

"Yes, you should." he replied. He was wearing a black and grey jacket with a hat and his hood over his head.

"Hey! You're all soaked!" She tried to lift the umbrella over his head, but she was too short and only managed to get it past his cheek. He smirked and grabbed the umbrella, putting it above both of their heads. Gemini let out a little laugh. 

He looked down and pointed at her suitcase. "You should probably grab that."

"Oops!" Her voice was loud as she crouched to grab her suitcase. She frowned. It was all wet. "I hope none of my stuff got ruined." 

"Eh, I bet it will be fine. Oh and by the way, I'm Sagittarius." 

Gemini smiled and replied, "Nice to meet you Sagi! Wait can I call you that?" 

Sagittarius looked hesitant. "Uh-" 

"Pleaseeeeee!!" Gemini pleaded with puppy dog eyes. 

"Fine. I guess you can. I kinda like it." 

"Yay! Thanks Sagi! Oh! I almost forgot! I'm Gemini!" 

Sagittarius smiled, happy he had made a friend. "I'll only let you call me Sagi if I can call you Gem or Gem Gem okay?" 

"Of course! I love it!" Gemini jumped up and down in excitement and suddenly stopped. She had realized something. "Wait, you're going to Zodiac High right?" She was crossing her fingers, hoping that he was.

"Oh yeah I am. I'm guessing you are too?" He wiped his faced which was covered in rain drops.

"Yup! That's why I'm heading to the bus station right now. The bus leaves at 3:40 I think." She checked her phone. "Crap that's in 5 minutes. We gotta go NOW!!!" 

Sagi looked at his watch. "Oh no, you're right! Let's go!" He grabbed Gemini's hand and started running. Gemini was unbothered that he had grabbed her hand and started running with him.

The two zodiacs ran in the rain towards the bus stop, which was still pretty far away. 

Edit: This may start off slow to some people, but it won't be like that for long :) Comment for any ideas like ships!

Zodiac High: Boarding SchoolOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz