
For now, i'm just happy we survived that accident.

You're so so strong.

The strongest person i know.

You have a strong heart,

and a strong mindset.

I will do my best to make you happy.

I will do my best to always fill your heart with love.

Oh Kaya..

If you knew how in love i am with you.

It's even embarrassing.

I want to talk about you all the time.

I just don't want to bother Jake and Jungwon,

but i want to talk about you to them.

I want to tell them how pretty you are to me,

how fun is it to be with you.

How we kissed for the first time.

How we hugged for the first time.

How we confessed.

How i stayed with you everyday when you were in the coma, some day i was even falling asleep holding your hands.

It hurts to love that much when i know it won't last forever.

Because you're sick.

But i think we can at least have 10 years.

10 years is good right?

1 day or 10 years you'll be my first love anyway.

"You drooled on me.."

Kaya blinked her eyes and wiped her mouth when she woke up.

"Sorry." She turned red as she was so embarrassed, and Riki was just laughing.

"No way you're embarrassed for that."

"One day you will maybe puke front of me, you will maybe drool on me again, are you gonna be embarrassed like that all the time?"

"Yes yes yes, i will be embarrassed all the time you have to keep in mind the perfect Kaya, not the drooling Kaya." She chuckled and got up from the bed.

She went to the bathroom quickly to change her clothes and then came back to the room.

"Why are you already trying to go?"

"My dad and Jay are worried about me i have to come back home."

Riki sighed, he wished to stay with her again for hours and hours.

"Fine, i'll go to Jake's with Jungwon, can you come back tonight?"

she leaned down towards him to press her lips against his soft lips, with her hand placed on his neck.

"I will come back, have fun with Jake and Jungwon."

This way she faded away from his room, Riki sighed and finally got up to take a shower.

Riki left and joined Jungwon to go to Jake's, Mai was there, they were all reunited in the living room, everyone but not Kaya.

"How do you feel?" Asked Mai to Riki.

Riki just showed her a bright smile, "everything is fine, i'm lucky i'm safe, the accident wasn't that bad."

Mai, Jungwon and even Jake were looking at Riki with worry, like something was wrong.

"Wasn't that bad? You almost died." Jake looked at his best friend, "You almost lost your life with her."

But at this moment, Mai started to cry, tears and tears couldn't stop to roll down her cheeks.

"Riki, why do you look so happy?" Asked Jungwon.

"I was with Kaya, i slept with her, she cooked something for me, we ate together. That's why i'm happy cause we're both alive, the accident wasn't that bad."

Mai's hand joined her mouth to muffle her cries as Jake and Jungwon looked at each other with concern until Jungwon spoke up;

"You were with Kaya? Since when?"

"Since i woke up yesterday from the accident."

Riki felt confused, he looked at Mai and how she was crying, he wondered why she was that sad, why everyone was looking at him like he was crazy.

"Riki, Kaya is dead." Jake finally told him, "She's dead in that accident, they didn't save her..."

Riki shook his head, he didn't believe them but why he was crying? Riki had many tears rolling down his cheeks.

"No, no."

"I was with her."

"I hugged her."

"I kissed her."

"I took a video with her."

"Everything was real, there's no chance it was all in my head!"

He stood up and took his phone with shaking hands, and he tried to find that video,

but that video didn't exist.

That video never happened.

"I'm sorry Riki." Jungwon hugged his friend that was crying and in shock.

"No, no it can't be possible. I will come back home and she will be there." Riki pushed Jungwon away.

"She told me she will be there tonight!"

"She will come back to me!"

"Riki! Stop! She's dead, Kaya is dead. I wish it wasn't real but it's real, she left us." Mai looked at him.

He couldn't hear those words, so he left Jake's house running, he ran and ran until he's back home.

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