Akil motioned over one of the bottle girls, buying a bottle of 1942 and having her send it up to the second level VIP section. As the bottle girl takes it up, the butterscotch hunk in head-to-toe black with a gold chain around his neck enters the club with his longtime partner.

"Man, we coulda went to a bar or sum'n." He complained over the music.

His longtime partner with mocha brown skin threw his arm over his partner's shoulder. "My dude, we just made Detective! This a celebration my friend! Fuck a bar. We off duty, Lyft on me! Let's drink!"

The hype partner dances, pulling his friend further into the crowd.

The bottle girl in her mesh lightning leotard reaches the VIP section with Esmeralda. "Hey Essie!" She called the familiar face over the music and the Hispanic beauty leans over to her, "It's compliments from the chick at the bar."

Esmeralda followed the bottle girl's head gesture to the bar on the first level and locked eyes with the lady unknown to her eye. Akil tilted her martini to the drug dealer's girlfriend. Esmeralda didn't have an attraction to women, at least she didn't think, until seeing the unfamiliar woman and even through the lights, she could see Akil's sultry eyes.

Esmeralda tilted her drink to Akil as a thank you. The bottle girl hands her one last thing that happens to be a napkin with beautiful writing on it—her name: Monroe and her number.

"Speaking of bars," he tapped the chest of his partner and pointing at the beauty with suede ebony skin, "ain't that the Monroe chick from TG?"

He looked, confirming with a head nod and they walk over.

Akil instincts kicked in, feeling eyes on her that wasn't Esmeralda. Seeing Warren and his partner threw her off, as they approach and the one she hasn't been formally introduced to grinning flirtatiously. "Wow! Officer Young!"

Out in the Camaro, Edi and Luke overheard her announce the officer over the music and on the wire.

"I told you call me Warren." He scolded playfully, smiling. "This is my partner and friend Steven. He the co-founder of TG with me."

"Steven Shepard!" He introduces, leaning in closer to her ear so that she could hear him clearly. "Crazy runnin' into you here. You celebrating too?"

"Uhh, no. Just having a night out. Are y'all celebrating?"

"Yeah, we made Detective!"

Akil's taken aback by the news, and so were Edi and Luke that were listening. "Oh... Congratulations. Uhm, what unit?"


Immediately, Akil and her partners knew that would be a issue.

Warren had previous opportunities to become a Detective in the Narcotics Unit with it being offered to him in the past. Akil's immediate thought was why now?. Especially with a brother that has a hand in drugs. It was suspicious, and it has her wanting to go undercover even more.

"Congrats! You guys order yourself a drink, it's on me!"

"Sayless!" Steven moves closer to the bar, waving over the bartender.

Warren leaned closer to Akil, giving her a good smell of his cologne. "You don't have to buy us drinks, you know?"

"It's a celebration. I don't mind." Akil assures, holding steady eye contact with the hunk and he held it as well.

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