A Miracle Is Born

Start from the beginning

My father was tearing up too, "and if you'll let me, I would like to be apart of my grand daughter's life. To make up for not being there for you. I might not have been a great father to you Maddison. But, I can be a great grandfather to your daughter." he says, making more tears fall out of my eyes, as I held his hand in mine. 

So many thoughts were running through my mind, but the one thought that settles is how my mother would have wanted my father to be in my daughter's life, since she isn't around anymore to be her grandmother. I nod slowly, as he cries with me, and we pull each other into an embrace as I take in everything I've missed for the past decade and a half. His scent, his embrace, his touch, his honesty, and my forgiveness. 

When we pull away, as he smiling and wiping my tears, 

"I love you Mads, and I always have." he says, as I cry and laugh looking into his eyes.

 "I love you too dad, and I forgive you" I said, as he pulls me in for another hug. 

Afterwards, Hayden is reintroducing himself to my father, and we spend the next few hours telling my father the story of how I got pregnant and how Hayden has been in my life since high school. We share a couple laughs, as my father offers Hayden a job a restaurant close by. As I find out he's the owner of a bistro just a few blocks from here that's apparently franchised several bistros over a few states. 

I watch as my father leaves, hugging Hayden and giving him his condolences for Mira. When the door finally closes and it's just Hayden and me. I take a breath, I felt like the weight I was carrying on my shoulders was finally gone. I wasn't the girl with daddy issues anymore, and it felt liberating. Hayden walks over to me, hugging me, as I sigh into his grasp. 

"I am so proud of you" he murmurs, as I pull away from him and caress his face. 

"I wouldn't have been able to do this without you..I am so happy you're here" I said, as he smiles, kissing me on the lips, before placing another kiss on my forehead. 

This following weekend, Hayden and I are standing on the doorstep of his house. 

"Are you ready for this?" I asked, putting my hand in his, as our fingers intertwine.

 I watch him take a deep breath and then nod towards me.

 I then knock on the front door, as his mother opens it moments later. 

"Hayden! Maddison!" she says, ushering us inside, before pulling us in for bear hug. 

That was the one thing I loved so much about his mother, her hugs felt like home. 

"What are you doing here? is everything okay?" she asks, pulling away from Hayden, as he nods again. 

"Everything's fine, I just need to talk to both of you about something important" he said, as she frowns. 

"Hayden you're scaring me, what is it?" she asks, as I hold his hand and caress his arm, 

"it's about Mira" he says, and his mother's eyes soften. 

"I'll get your father, you two wait in the gathering room" she says, giving me a smile, before pointing at my stomach. 

And I laugh and place a hand on my stomach. 

Hayden and I watch as she scurries upstairs to get his father, and we walk into the gathering room, which looks a lot like a living room but with three sets of love seats. We sit in the middle, as Hayden rubs his pants legs back and forth. And I admire the decor around us, the paintings were still so beautiful and the furniture was incredible.

 "I'm pretty sure this entire room costs more than my college tuition" I whispered to him, as he looks at me and chuckles. 

"Just breathe, I'm right here with you" I said, as he nods, we share a quick kiss, before his parents walk into the room. 

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